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𝐴 𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑏𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑓𝑟𝑢𝑖𝑡

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❗️this chapter contains semi explicit scenes

The apartment's walls were thin. Taehyun could hear the train passing by, where train racks were located near the apartment complex. He could hear Beomgyu's neighbours muffled chatters, and the floorbed creaking above. Beomgyu had told him that his neighbours would skip rope in the middle of the night for odd reasons and Taehyun tried his best to not to break it to the innocent boy that they definitely weren't skipping rope, but engaged in an intimate act.

Sitting on the chair of Beomgyu's and Beomhan's room, Taehyun let his eyes roam around the space, noticing the medals and framed certificates that decorated the wall. None of which was Beomgyu's.

"These are all Beomhan's" he pointed out, "where are yours?"

Hearing him, Beomgyu turned around to look at him with confusion. He was knelt on the floor, rummaging through one of the drawers in search of something.

"I obviously don't have them because I wasn't outstanding like Hannie" the long haired boy answered and returned to finding whatever he needed.

It didn't take long before he finally grabbed what he wanted and shuffled to Taehyun on his knees with a wide smile on his face.

"Look! It's my and Beomhan's photo album" Beomgyu exclaimed excitedly as he flipped the heavy album open, showing their baby photos to the interested silver haired.

"You were... small" Taehyun remarked.

"I was born dead and smaller than Hannie" Beomgyu confirmed with a small smile, "but we grew up to be at the same height! Look, Hannie and his first steps."

Taehyun saw the photo sequence of Beomhan taking his first steps, with a tiny Beomgyu sitting on the floor right behind, half covered by his twin.

"What about yours?"

"Apparently I took mine a few days after at childcare so there's no record of it" Beomgyu explained as he flipped to the next page, which was filled with Beomhan's photos.

"I was sick and had respiratory problems when i was a baby" Beomgyu quietly said and continued to flip through the album, "these are all Hannie... can you actually tell the difference between us?"

Taehyun stared at the single photo of the twins at 4 years old, one blowing the bubbles and the other playing with them.

"You're the one blowing bubbles, I'm certain."

Beomgyu gasped at the accuracy and confidence and looked at Taehyun with wide surprised eyes, "how did you know?! We look literally the same!"

"I can just tell" Taehyun replied, eyes glued to the next photo of the twins; Beomhan holding a brand new toy car and Beomgyu holding his own hands together, "what's this?"

"Oh, our 6th birthday! We shared the toy car... though I didn't really play with it, toy cars weren't my thing. I preferred toy trains."

"Did Beomhan love toy cars?"

"Yup!" the long haired boy nodded.

"You started growing your hair out early" Taehyun noticed, "who decided that you should be the one to grow it out?"

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