𝟬𝟭𝟰 what am i suppose to do if there's no you?

Start from the beginning

"But it isn't fair!" Feyre was beginning to raise her voice, her bottom lip starting to quiver in the process. "Everyone looks at me like I'm some freak. You did today when Mr. Adler was explaining what happened. I always thought you were on my side," She elaborated.

Rosalind shook her head. "I am on your side, Sunshine. I always have been," She defended, approaching her daughter. However, Feyre wasn't convinced by her words, causing for the girl to step further back.

"You're just like everyone else," Feyre shot back. Her bloodshot eyes narrowing into a hateful stare towards her mom before she turned around and ran towards her bedroom, slamming the door shut behind her. It was so loud that it could've been strong enough to make the whole apartment shake.

And all Feyre Blanchard could do was fall to the floor and cry. But little did the young girl know, her mother was doing the her best to muffle her own sobs on the other side of the door separating them both.


Feyre Blanchard felt like the world was going to collapse in on itself and smother her to death at any second. Her chest felt tight with dread. Her veins felt like they were on fire, pulsating sharply with rage. She felt the fear creep up her spine and press harshly against the nape of her neck, like a hand had a firm grip on her neck. It was a harrowing reminder that something had gone terribly wrong, and for once she might not be able to fix it. Her breathing then became irregular and erratic, like she was on the brink of a violent panic attack that planned to suffocate her whole at any given moment. Everything around her as she marched her way through camp, passing other fellow campers, some she considered her friends, started to fade out of her peripheral vision, drowned out by the static flooding her eardrums.

     Her mom was dying. She was dying and Feyre couldn't do anything to stop it. Naturally, Feyre would've found a solution. If she had been there she could have protected her mom from the monster that found its way to their doorstep. If she was a better healer than her siblings, she would go straight to that hospital and save her mom. But Feyre Blanchard was no god. She wasn't powerful enough to heal such extensive injuries. This was something completely out of her control. Feyre always dreamed about leaving camp to reunite her mom in the flesh. She just didn't think it would happen like this. Not only was she leaving camp, but she was leaving to see her mom one last time. . . to say goodbye. A day Feyre believed would never come.

     Feyre wished this was all some sick and twisted nightmare. She hoped she would wake up at any second, call her mom, and everything would go back to normal, and everything would be okay again. However, that was a dream, and this was a her unfortunate reality.

     And to make it worst, her father was here. Apollo had spent eighteen years ignoring Feyre the best he could. He claimed her when she came to camp, sent her the occasional gift, and that was it. He was never the father she needed. He was never there when it mattered most and she resented him for that. It was more than just resentment. Feyre hated Apollo with every fibre of her very being. She hated him for abandoning her. She hated him even more for abandoning her mother. She hated that he let Alina and Delia down when they needed him most of all. And now he was showing up like it would make a difference. The very thought of having to spend the whole day with him on one of the worst days of her life made Feyre Blanchard want to scream.

     As Feyre continued to walk towards her cabin to grab her backpack, planning to meet her dad by Thalia's tree, she was quickly spotted by Luke and Alina who were seated outside cabin eleven. Alina made an attempt to call her older sister over, but she quickly caught on that something was off when Feyre walked straight passed without even acknowledging either of them. However, if you were to ask Luke, the tears forming in the girl's eyes was what gave her sadness away in seconds. This caused for Luke and Alina to turn to one another, the pair exchanging a series of worried glances before they stood up and trailed close behind the girl.

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