It's a good morning until it isn't (unfinished)

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'Waking up to yelling isn't usually how I start the day'

Fresh thinks as he gets up his eyes adjusting to the dark, 'Did I turn the lights off?' fresh shrugs it off he forgets sh#t all the time so he probably did.

Walking down the steps the yelling gets louder making Fresh groan in annoyance, Finally making it down those horrible steps fresh sees Swap and Ras sparing, and Ink sitting on the couch with dream. 'Damn didn't expect to see those two so soon, I should probably go since I still am technically an 'emotionless parasite''

swap noticed Fresh's presence much to Fresh's dismay "good morning fresh, how are you?" swap said with a smile, fresh blinked behind his glasses. It was to early for this "nothin' much brah. I'm all good! Say, what time is it mah radical swap"

swap pauses as dream looks over at Fresh almost as if worried. "It's 8 in the morning." fresh almost coughed "oh." "Anyway fresh! I want you to meet Ink and dream! My two best friends" Swap said ignoring Ras who was upset at being ignored. Dream waved as ink hopped up running up to fresh.

"Hi! I'm ink, so your fresh right? You seem pretty cool and so many colors" ink murrmed with excitement examining him closely "woah, nice to meet you too bud- can you not grab my glasses-" ink backed off "Oops sorry hehe, what's your name again?"

dream got up and slightly pulled ink away from fresh. "Sorry about him fresh, it's nice to meet you though." dream holds out his hand which fresh takes shaking his hand "no problemo buddy"

Soo yeah- that's all I got 🥲 that's all I got. Uh anyway, any suggestions will be appreciated. It will probably help me be motivated to finish writing this chapter, and after this chapter I will start actually try to add a plot so I wont be posting anything new, that goes for my other books as well :3

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