Chapter 11

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Danny said nothing to Irina that day now as that from how as that common truth Irina was back to her right mind the Aphrodisiac finally had worn off hours after the face but that doesn't mean now as that forgot how things went. Irina now that twice as bad not only once more acted in a way that was unlike her truth even though she's a married woman/ being a mother Danny once more saved her from the said devil from how they understood the truth who would have Defiled her from such said worst from her flesh as that she as well seduced him and dragged him into a round of marathon of sex that left her in once more awe of his sheer stamina but then again it was Danny who was already in a league of his own but still now as that from how coerced her lover into a fucking for her pleasure.

Danny sighed to himself now as such forbidden feelings for Irina had come up in the wrong way possible Danny felt that rush of emotions now as he had sealed away for her for that long time and that was scaring him now as he hated himself now as that for his actions against the mother of his child/ his wife as well as that he would never act those ways again now as that from what terrified him as that how good it felt releasing those forbidden emotions that because of Michael to why Danny couldn't advance in his relationship with Irina and due to said reasons now as that he felt that all of that had came up he swore that he would never do such actions again now as that from getting himself back under control now as that never showing his emotions now as that from truth that needed to be done.

Irina('s not your fault)


As she tried to say now as that from such, that made say now as that saving her life now, but he wouldn't do that again.

Danny(That's not right Irina as you know that as well)

Irina(But you saved me if it wasn't for you now as that once again as that who was to say what would've happened as that how Yua our daughter would've felt if she lost me as well from the truth as that how she would've had to grow up without knowing the truth and that would've been good for her)

Danny(I just forgot what happened as that's back to normal that's what counts)

Irina(Right)As he walked away now as that for the mission as that he had to do and she went about her way as well now as that mission now as that for the Chief she had that day.

A few days now as passed now as since what happened now as that Danny had been spending time with Yua that father-daughter bonding time now as since she had come back as well now as that from as well he had nothing as well to do he truly was an amazing dad and father to his daughter as well as as well as that still as that from how as that thoughts was from truth now as that once the matter was known hours later once he put Yua to bed now as that from such strange sounds and Familiar noises to be heard within the room of said parents.

Danny kissed Irina who opened her mouth their lips touched and his tongue slipped inside from the opening having witnessed the intensity of masculinity Irina's mouth was filled with heat and throbbing and felt incredibly hot and molten he moved his tongue capturing her tongue Despite her surprise her voice resonated in his mouth but he didn't care and continued to entwine their tongues as their tongues rubbed against each other and his tongue sucked hers with a slurping sound Irina's mind melted into a soft mushy state her eyes which had retained their sanity until now transformed completely becoming completely melted.

Irina*Thoughts*(Kissing Dan-Kun feels so good if I surrender myself I feel even better......)

Irina's whose thoughts had come to an obediently relaxed her tense body surrendered to him leaning towards him he kissed her as her relaxed body collapsed onto the bed it felt so comfortable so pleasurable.

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