~Chapter 10~

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I was watching Athena and Asia argue, but I didn't know what they were exactly arguing about.

What confused me a little bit was that Asia gestured towards me and pointed at me a few times, but I just shrugged.

Before I could figure out what was going on, Adrian came behind me, patting my back.

"You were good today, don't be too hard on yourself."

"Oh yeah."

I rubbed the back of my neck because in all this chaos, I completely forgot about that. My attention was on Athena the whole time, who practically won't even look at me.

"I better go. I've got a headache and I'm just going to go get some sleep. You guys have fun though."

I was trying to get myself out of here and this situation as quick as possible.

"Yeah, of course. Shame you can't stay with us and celebrate though. But go get some rest buddy."

He tapped my shoulder and then I said bye to the rest of the guys, congratulating them on the win.

For some reason, I didn't even care that I wasn't part of the win. I cared more about how Athena won't talk to me.

I headed out the door, glancing back to see where she was, but a hand grabbed me firmly and pulled me out of the pub.

My eyes widened, but when I looked down, I saw a short angry woman glaring at me.

If looks could kill, I would be so dead by now.

I opened my mouth to say something, but before I could, she was already telling me off.

"You ruined it all! I just wanted to do something nice for my friends and you couldn't even do that right!"

I cut her off and regretted it immediately.

"Maybe you shouldn't be meddling with their love life and just let everything go by its own pace. You should maybe try and focus more on yourself."

"You motherfucker-
I'm not 'meddling' in their love life. I'm just simply trying to do them a favour that we all know they need. And by the way, you didn't only fuck that up, but now Asia is convinced we were on a date together when she saw you!"

"Did you tell her that it was a misunderstanding? Please tell me you did. Cause we are NOT dating!"

"I did but she wouldn't listen! She thinks i'm lying to her!"

"Then tell her the fucking truth! I can't be dealing with this now."

"Oh and I can?"

"Well, you're the one that put us into this mess, so fix it!"

I felt fed up with everything and everyone, so I walked away from her.

Us, on a date? Urgh, I could never.

The whole drive home, I was thinking about how ridiculous that would be.

Maybe I was little too harsh on her, because i'm sure she didn't want to end up in this situation either.

A text appeared on my phone as I was about to walk into the apartment.

Man, you didn't tell me you were on a date?!?! I thought we were 'mates'. 🥹

It wasn't a date.
I assure you, if it was, you would've been the first to know.

Well, Asia told me otherwise.


I left him on read and then I saw so many more notifications pop up from the rest of the team.


Everyone thinks we're dating now.


Hey, sorry if I was a bit harsh to you earlier, I'm just as annoyed as you are about this.
The guys texted me and everyone thinks we are dating now...

You were rude earlier, but I wasn't really any better...


Maybe if you told Asia the truth...

No way! She would kill me for interfering.

Then what do you suppose we should do about this situation?

I don't know.

Maybe we could go along with it for a week or two and then fake break up, because we were never together, and just tell them that it didn't work out? We wouldn't have to see each other any more than usual, just keep an act when everyone's around.

The thought of even pretending to date you is making me sick. 🤢


Oh shut up. We both know your big ego can't be hurt that easily. 🙄

So, is it a plan?

Fine! But we need to set some ground rules.
1. No touching me
2. No kissing

Trust me, you didn't even have to mention the kissing part. Thinking about it is making me ick-

Haha very funny. We both know that anyone would die to kiss me 🙄

But we can't not touch. It'll be too suspicious. We can just do something subtle. Nothing too overboard.

Respect the rules or we're calling it off!

Fine! Gosh, you're so difficult.


I jumped onto the sofa and turned on The Vampire Diaries to take my mind off of things.

Especially the fact that i'll have to be dating Athena for the next 2 weeks....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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