~Chapter 5~

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The whole way to Betty's I was silent because of Owen, Adrian told me his name was.

When we arrived it was already packed and there was nowhere to sit.

"Oh no, there's nowhere to sit. I guess we will have to do this another time."

I tried to pretend that I was actually disappointed and not happy that I won't have to spend the afternoon with the hockey team, although a lot of girls would love to be in my place but I don't know why.

Asia came up to us, hugging me and letting us know that she found a table for us.

We sat down and looked at the menu to see what we were going to order.

Of course all the guys got burgers and I was the only one to get pasta.

When Asia took our order, everyone suddenly fell into an awkward silence with nothing to say until one of the guys whose name I don't know cleared his throat and asked me a question about myself.

They all bombarded me with all sorts of questions after that, which I was ok with answering until one particular question came up and I can't blame them, I knew someone would eventually ask.

"Um. Do you play any sports?"

"I used to do figure skating."

I gulp, trying to rid of the horrible memory I get reminded of when I think about figure skating.

"Used to? Why did you stop?"

I just sat there, eyes wide, stuttering, not being able to say anything, but thankfully Adrian noticed.

"Ok guys enough questions."

"I really wanted to know the answer to this one."

Adrian didn't say anything to him, only giving him a very stern look which made the guy sink into his seat.

The food finally came and it rescued me from being asked any further questions.

The boys are really sloppy eaters and gulped down their burgers very fast.

We all finished and we parted because it looked like everyone was in a hurry but I didn't know why.

I was walking home when my phone buzzed, it was Adrian texting me.


I'm glad you met everyone and that you are all getting along, but sorry for how quick we all left. Coach sent us a message last minute about some event that we need to go to. Everyone is going except Owen of course, he thinks he's so special sometimes. Anyways, i'll add you to the group chat with coach so you can always be updated.

No worries! It was nice meeting everyone and I understand that you guys have other stuff to do.

-Adrian added you to the group-


I already approached the apartment door and went inside.

Since Asia was going to be on her shift till late tonight and I was alone, I decided to sit on the couch and use the opportunity to watch The Vampire Diaries because Asia hates it for some reason and we always argue over what to watch.

A few hours later I woke up and realised that I fell asleep and slept through a few episodes.

I switched off the tv and went to get some snacks and take them to my room to read a little bit.

With a blanket over my shoulders and a bowl of crisps in my hands I walked into the room and saw the broken glass still on the floor with the frame that I smashed the previous day.

We went to the party last night and when I came home I was too drunk for anything and today I had to meet coach early in the morning so I forgot.

Sighing, I put the blanket and crisps on the bed and bent down to pick up the broken frame.

Half of the glass was smashed and scattered on the floor but I put what's left of the frame back on the shelf where I took it from before I smashed it.

I looked at the photo for a few minutes and smiled while tears slowly fell from my eyes.

I pulled my eyes away from it and went to get a plastic bag to put the broken glass in.

I started gathering the glass and putting it in the bag and when I picked up one big piece which was very sharp and I felt it slash the palm of my right hand.

Blood started gushing out and my hand was both stinging and throbbing at the same time.

I panicked and didn't know what to do so I ran to the kitchen to grab a cloth and wrap it around my hand, pressuring it so it could hopefully stop the bleeding.

The cloth quickly turned red everywhere and I started to panic.

I went to grab my phone with my other hand but I didn't know who to call.

Asia was at work and I didn't want to worry her, especially because she can't get out of her shift and Adrian was out with the guys on the other side of town.

I started scrolling and remembered Adrian's message from earlier.

Fuck no.

The only person I could call was Owen and I think I would rather have bled out to death but I still went onto the group Adrian added me in and found Owen's number.

I hesitated to call him but blood was dripping down into the sink that I was holding my hand over.

I called him and he picked up almost immediately.

"Hey? Is everything ok?"

He sounded very confused that I called him because he knew that he was the last person I would call.

"Um. Hi."

I winced when I moved my hand a little bit.

"What's wrong?"

He genuinely sounded scared.

"I uh cut my hand on broken glass that I was cleaning up and there's blood. A lot of blood."

"What's your address?"

It sounded more like an order rather than a question but I told him and then he hung up the phone.

I waited only a few minutes and he already burst through the door since it was unlocked.

He looked around to see where I was and ran up to me in the kitchen with his eyes wide.

"Oh my gosh!"

He shouted, which I think was totally unnecessary but ok.

He gently took my hand over the sink and was slowly removed the cloth so that it doesn't hurt me as much.

I winced though.

His brown eyes looked into mine.

"I'm sorry. I'm really trying for it not to hurt, but it'll all be ok. I promise."

He inspected the cut carefully.

"Yeah, you'll definitely need stitches. Where do you keep your cloths?"

I pointed to one of the cupboards with my head.

He opened it and took a new cloth wrapping it around my hand and showing me where to exactly put pressure with my other hand.

He grabbed his car keys which he threw onto the table when he came in and we walked out of the apartment, into his car.

Love On Ice ( The Love Dispute Series #1 )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن