~Chapter 4~

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I woke up the next morning with everything that happened last night rolling back in my thoughts.

I hoped that it was all maybe just a bad dream, but the throbbing pain in my hand showed otherwise.

My knuckles were bruised and my hand was a little swollen.

I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to get some ice but Adrian was already there eating his Fruit Loops with milk.

I put my right hand behind my back so that he wouldn't see it but he noticed something was wrong straight away because my nervous face gave it away.

"What the fuck did you do this time?"

He set down his spoon, now intensely looking at me with both an angry and worried expression.

"Ok. Don't be mad."

By me saying that, he knew it was something bad and that he was definitely going to be mad at me.

"What. Did. You. Do?"

"Ok, I have a very good explanation."

I said before showing him my bruised knuckles.

"You punched someone?"

He didn't look as upset as I thought he would be, but probably because he knew that he was too drunk last night to notice his surroundings and was probably feeling a little bit guilty for not knowing that something was wrong.

"Basically, I punched this guy who tried to drug Asia's friend's drink."

"What? Someone tried to drug Athena?"

He looked shocked and mad at the same time, but this time he wasn't mad at me.


She wasn't only extremely beautiful, but she also had a name of a Goddess.

"Is she ok? I've known her as long as Asia, we were really close for years until-"

He cut himself off and cleared his throat.

"She's like a little sister to me."

"Yeah, she's ok. Probably a little bit hungover with maybe one or two regrets from last night but yeah, she's ok."

I chuckled, while he looked confused because he didn't know what I was talking about, but he didn't really look interested to know about it either.

The spoon was back in his hand and he continued to peacefully eat his cereal, so I took that as a sign that our conversation was over.

I walked over to the fridge and took an ice pack for my hand, then I went to the couch and turned on some The Vampire Diaries episodes.

After a few hours, we had to leave and meet up with coach and the rest of the team because he said that there's something important.

It could either be him yelling at us for some shit that the guys made or it could be something good like that we finally get our own rink and don't have to share with the figure skaters anymore.

It was probably the first option.


When we arrived I was shocked to see that coach was in a good mood, so he definitely wasn't going to yell at us.

Then I was thinking, maybe just maybe we finally got our own rink.

He started talking and interrupted my thoughts.

I was so excited until the door opened and Athena walked into the room.

"No fucking way."

She murmured the same time as me.

"Do you guys know each other?"

Coach asked and she didn't dare answer so I had to say something.

"Um, something like that."

My mood was ruined because I was trying not to think about her and all the events from last night, but it's really hard when she's standing right in front of me.

I clenched my aching fist and winced.

Coach turned around to look at me and saw my hand before I could put it behind my back.

"What happened?"

He sounded very angry, but I just looked at Athena and she looked away as if I wasn't in the room.

"I punched the wall out of frustration. That's it."

She let out a huff while rolling her eyes.

Thank goodness that coach was in a good mood and didn't scold me, instead he continued introducing Athena to the team.

"Anyways, she's going to be your nutritionist this year."

No fucking way I would have to see her every practice and every game.

"You can all get to know each other first and then everyone will do some tests and have a one on one session with her to give you your diets."

No way was I going to go on a one on one session with her and let her pick what I eat.

I'm going to eat a burger right now if i fucking want to, she can't stop me.

Adrian suggested we all go to Betty's, the restaurant where Asia works at and I suppose Athena works at too.

Everyone agreed except me and Athena who were both silently glaring at each other with hatred, but we didn't have an option so we walked with everyone else to Betty's, silent the whole way.

I can survive a few hours with her, I think.

Love On Ice ( The Love Dispute Series #1 )Where stories live. Discover now