~Chapter 6~

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We were in the car now and I was trying to find the nearest hospital on the gps.

"Hey, thanks for actually coming."

She said while looking at me with those pretty green eyes.

I was never so close to her before and I couldn't stop staring into her eyes which looked like a mixture of the colours mint and emerald.

"Of course. You can call me whenever you need anything."

I said while getting the car out of the parking of her apartment building.

I couldn't have said I would burn the whole fucking world to the ground for her, rip off the head of anyone who ever comes near her, let alone kill everyone on this planet if anyone put a single hand on her.

But that was actually what I was thinking.

It was unusual though, since i've never felt like that before about anyone and i've only just met her, plus starting off on the wrong foot would be the mildest way of putting it.

I was speeding and i'm sure that a camera flashed me at some point but I don't care.

The only thing that's important now is that we get to the hospital as quickly as possible and that she will be ok.

On the way there I called Asia and later Adrian, even though Asia was arguing with me and pleading me not to.

Eventually she gave in and sunk back into her seat, looking through the window.

From time to time she would wince and I couldn't stand seeing her in pain like that.

My stomach would twist and feel sick at the thought that I can't do anything now to make it all magically go away.

Fuck, if I could I would take away all the pain she has in her life and put it all onto myself.

We arrived at the hospital and I quickly walked around the car to the passenger seat and opened the door for her.

She slowly got out trying to keep her hand still and not move it a lot.

Thankfully, my sister Willow was working tonight so she took us through to the ER and immediately found us a doctor Athena could see.

In all that madness around the hospital I could she see was scared, even though she seemed calm the whole drive here.

My eyes widened as I saw everyone and everything that was happening around us.

It was very busy, but she looked more scared than anyone here was and i'm not sure exactly why.

Then I remembered Adrian telling me about how her mom died almost a year ago, so I suppose it has something to do with that.

She turned around and saw a woman on a bed that nurses were pushing in a rush and a little girl running after them crying.

When I looked back at Athena, it was as if I just witnessed her heart shatter into a million pieces.

She stood there, frozen, just as she did after she saw punch the guy that tried to drug her.

I didn't know what to do as tears suddenly started pouring from her eyes.

Willow looked at me with an expression that shows 'do something'.

So I move in front of Athena putting my hands on her shoulders, my face three inches from hers and staring into her green eyes once again.

She immediately stopped crying and was just looking at me, like she got out of some type of trance.

She moved her injured hand upwards and realised that she still had a cut that started throbbing in excruciating pain.

I cleared my throat and took a few steps back from her before we continued walking to the doctor.

The doctor sent us for her to get stitches but while we were silently walking through the hallways, the only thing I could think about was how close her mouth was to mine and how badly I wanted to close that space between us.

I snapped back into reality when we got into the room where there was a plastic surgeon sitting on a chair waiting to stitch Athena's hand.

She sat on the chair for patients and I stood next to her.

When the doctor pulled out a needle and said that he will need to give her a local anesthetic in her wound, her other hand started shaking.

I hesitated before gently grabbing her hand, barely touching her in case she wanted to pull away.

But she didn't.

To my surprise, she squeezed it very hard when the surgeon injected the needle into her skin.

When he started sewing her up, which nor me or Athena were looking at, he asked us a question, purely just to make us think about something else.

"So, how long have you been together?"

"Uh, we aren't dating."

Athena spitted out before pulling her hand away from mine.

I scratched my head in pure awkwardness.

"Yeah, we aren't."

"Oh ok. Anyways, you're done."

He said while looking at Athena and putting his mask down.

"I did a lot of small stitches so there won't be bad scarring."

She gave him an acknowledging nod.


Willow finished bandaging up her hand and let us know that she will have to come back everyday to re-bandage it unless she can do it at home.

"Stitches come off in two weeks."

She finally said before me and Athena walked out of the hospital.

In front of the building Asia and Adrian were standing, who came in Asia's car.

Asia ran up to Athena squeezing her into a tight hug and mouthing 'thank you to me'.

She really didn't need to thank me because I would drive to the other side of the world for Athena if I needed to.

Adrian came up to me patting me on the back before he walked up to Asia.

I leaned onto the door of my car, looking at Athena laugh and smile for the first time.

She looked so happy to see her friends and I really liked that look on her, with her eyes sparkling and her wide smile showing her pearly white teeth.

I just wish she will one day be able to look at me that way.

Love On Ice ( The Love Dispute Series #1 )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora