~Chapter 2~

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Adrian kept on telling me about Asia for the past hour while I was trying to do my homework.

"Yeah, i get it. She's amazing, blah blah blah... Can I do my homework now?"

I said while rolling my eyes and turning my chair back to face towards my desk.

"Don't be an asshole, I really like her!"

He was looking at me a certain way and I could see how much she meant to him.

Honestly, I am not even going to complain since he's my best friend and the best roommate i've ever had.

Instead i'm going to help him get the girl he wants.

He and Asia are childhood friends from the rink but he has always had feelings for her.

"Fine, i'll help you with Asia."

I said while looking at him again.


I could see how grateful he was and how he said that word sincerely.

"Time to party!"

He shouted while grabbing the keys to my truck.

I quickly snatched them away.

"I'm driving."

"Oh come on! You have never let anyone drive your truck before and I'm your best mate."

I didn't even bother saying something back, I just walked out the door and started walking towards the lift.

Adrian was still styling his hair.

"You want a ride or not? I'm not going to wait forever."

"Yeah! i'm coming!"

He shouted while sprinting towards me.


There was a lot of traffic, so it took us over an hour to get there, rather than thirty minutes.

When we finally arrived, the party was already in motion and full of people getting drunk.

We stood with the rest of our teammates and greeted people we knew when they came in.

One of the guys, Nate, was hosting the party at his parent's house, since they are currently traveling, to celebrate our first win of the season.

I must admit it is really nice of him.

Suddenly, Asia walked in, seeming very happy as she wrapped her arms around Adrian.

She pulled away after a few seconds, keeping her hands tightly gripped on his biceps.

"Thanks so much for inviting us!"

She turned her head around, gesturing to her friend that i've never seen before.

The girl looked up at us and just raised her hand to give a short wave, while putting on an awkward smile.

She was really beautiful and her green eyes really popped out in her green dress.

Asia let go of Adrian and grabbed her friend's hand taking her towards the table full of drinks.

Adrian was thrilled and confused at the same time, so he put his hand on the back of his head while shrugging his shoulders.

I honestly felt a little bit bored and overwhelmed with how many drunk people there were so I decided to go out and sit on the grass behind some trees where there was nobody.

It was peaceful.

The stars were beautiful and so relaxing to look at.

I laid there, on the grass for a while, when I heard leaves rustling and footsteps approaching me.

There was only one person who could've come out here to look for me and that was Rachel.

Since I became the captain of the hockey team this year, she's been obsessed with me with and I am not over exaggerating.

She follows me everywhere and comes really close to me that i feel uncomfortable.

Rachel always pretends to get annoyed that people are spreading rumors that we are dating, when it's actually her who spreads the rumors which no one believes anyways.

I'm honestly fed up with it already.

When the person walking towards me stood over me so that I could only see her shadow, I let out a sigh.

"Listen, i'm sorry but i'm not interested. If you came here to ask me to make out with you, sorry. I am sure that Caleb over there would be glad to-"

She cut me off mid sentence and that's when I realized that I wasn't talking to Rachel.

"I'm not a whore and trust me, even if I was, I would rather make out with the fucking tree over there, than a depressed, egoistic prick like you!"

Yeah, she was very pissed.

She didn't even bother waiting for a response and started stomping away from me.

I quickly turned around to see that she was Asia's friend who I saw earlier tonight when they had just arrived.

I immediately regretted what I said.

My eyes followed her until I lost her in the crowd.

Instead of going to talk to her and apologize, which would probably be the right thing, I just stayed laying on the grass.

What didn't come to my mind straight away was that if Asia's friend hated me, it might ruin Adrian's chances with her.

I really can be an asshole sometimes and do very stupid shit.

Love On Ice ( The Love Dispute Series #1 )Where stories live. Discover now