He tried to open his eyes. The light was much lower than he imagined. At first he saw everything blurry but not much later, he was able to recognize the two people next to him....Charlie and Alan...

-Where...-he tried to say in a hoarse voice, barely whispering.

-You're in the hospital...-his brother's voice answered him.


-Here...- this time it was Alan. He lifted his head and helped him drink. The water was cold but it was pleasant. He felt better almost immediately. He was tired, his eyes barely open...he immediately remembered everything that had happened. He missed his breath for a moment. Everything went black again. Why were those two there with him? How had he gotten there? Why were they so kind? Why didn't he feel relieved? Why couldn't he feel anything? Pain, sadness, embarrassment, annoyance....nothing, he felt nothing.

Finally he had reached that condition of absolute nothingness he had dreamed of all his life....but he didn't like it, nothing made sense.

-Why did you do that? Why didn't you tell me?-Charlie started sobbing and threw himself on his brother hugging him.

Jeff did not move, said nothing. Why had he done it? Because of the video. His life was ruined now. Everyone knew. Even the people he cared about the most.

He closed his eyes...he didn't want to keep thinking about it....he just wanted to return to his peace of mind...he just wanted to go back to sleep.

Tiredness helped him in this. He fell asleep almost immediately, still tight in his brother's embrace.

-How is he? -Alan asked the doctor, who had come to examine Jeff.

-He seems stable now. He has lost a lot of blood, but he is recovering. We could even get him out in a couple of days. The problem is not physical....we cannot know if he will try to do it again. For now, I prefer him to stay restrained. We will call a psychologist; she can come and talk to him tomorrow. She will be the one to tell us how to behave-



-Can you let me go?....- Jeff whispered as soon as he woke up.

-The doctor said it would be better not to- Charlie replied.

-But I'm fine....-

-You're not fine- said Charlie resignedly, sitting in an armchair beside the bed.

-I want to leave!- Jeff began to struggle.

-Jeff! Calm down! You can't leave, you haven't recovered yet-

-Let me go!- he began to scream.

Charlie immediately stood up to try to get Jeff to calm down.

-Excuse me, am I interrupting anything?-the door opened and a doctor and Alan entered.

-Who is she?- Jeff asked his brother, heedless that the woman could hear him.

-Well....- Charlie didn't know how to tell him. He would get furious.

-My name is Shane- the woman introduced herself, smiling.

-A doctor? - Jeff asked doubtfully.

-A psychologist-

-What do you want?- Jeff replied harshly. In fact, he knew very well what she wanted. He certainly could not hope they would let him off so easily after what he had done.

OLD SCARS AlanJeff (Omegaverse) | PITBABEWhere stories live. Discover now