Chapter 21 - Vale

Start from the beginning

Lauren hummed the lyrics between as she allowed the linn to run over her cropped hair. She smiled, the action causing her cheeks to hurt as the rushing current drowned out the surrounding world and all its problems.

"So I'll hit the lights and you lock the doors. We ain't leaving this room 'til we both feel more. Don't walk away, don't roll your eyes. They say love is pain, well darling, let's hurt tonight."

Cupping some of the water, the brunette rinsed at her face. The sun warmed her exposed skin as she lounged atop one of the fall's rocks. Using her fingers, she tediously picked through the knots in her hair, the spurting torrent served to smooth out her hard work.

Something about the entirety of it all; the way she smiled, how the water glistened off her exposed flesh, the way the sun made her eyes sparkle, felt so aberrant and intimate to the mech. His claws twitched as he locked his jaw.

She'd never looked like that before, not when she'd hosed him down the first time, nor at the watering hole in Africa. When had he enjoyed the color blue?

What was that called? Cybertronian femmes were rare and many perished during the war, but he'd heard talk among his lower ranks on appealing features in said femmes. Streamlined, rounded hip servos, slimmed chassises, with well enough chambers for sparklings and sleek weaponry.

She was neither Cybertronian nor possessed artillery, she did share his spark however, her differences be damned. They shared a spark and that was something

His attention was drawn back by her vocals, her eyes closed as she allowed the water to splash over her shoulders.

"When, when you came home. Worn to the bones. I told myself, this could get rough."

Primus, the femme's vocals were a pleasure all on their own and he'd selfishly indulged in listening more times than not. They were for him, her words. All his. 

"Oh, I know you're feeling insane. Tell me something that I can explain, oh."

His metals felt tight and his spark surged against the inside of his chassis.

Why had he bonded with her again...? He found himself wondering that every time he found himself thrust into these kinds of quiet moments. They felt far too delicate and not fit for someone so violent such as himself. 

Crimson optics roamed her once more, taking her in in her entirety all while committing the image to memory.

His sights traced the shapes of her face; the way her lips curled, the subtle heart shape of her top lip, how her pupils contracted and dilated, the curve of her spine when she moved and how her chest expanded when she breathed. She was so small, fragile and yet she wasn't. 

He swallowed back a growl as to not alert her to his watchful optics, to not pull her from the moment she was having and to not rob him of the sight. If he were not careful, he'd speak in Cybertronian.

She'd not understand and what did he care...?

Megatron ripped away his stare before stepping back around the rock, his claws having left deep set scratches along the surface. His exit from the springs was made with haste.

Lauren snapped her neck around curiously, though she did not spot anything out of the ordinary. Sapphire eyes scanned the area once more for conformation.

Sucking in a sharp inhale, she huffed to calm the beat of her heart and the sudden constriction of her chest. Odd. Where had that come from?

Shrugging it off, the peach skinned woman finished detangling her shaggy hair. Once she'd felt she was cleaned as much as she could be, she dipped back down into the water. Her back tingled from the prolonged contact in the waterfall.

Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)Where stories live. Discover now