Chapter 39

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Ivy carefully studied the menu taped to the side of the small shop. Inside it was only big enough for maybe two people. It seemed to have a tropical theme as most of the drinks were served in hollow coconuts, and the barista was always made to wear a tiny, brightly colored bikini. The menu was full of different fruit-flavored smoothies and drinks, along with what Ivy assumed were tropical snacks based on their names. One called a 'fried sugar ball,' a raw donut the size of a baseball, fried until it had been expanded and browned, covered in sugar sprinkles, and filled with cream cheese.

The glass window slid open, and a young woman wearing a bright green bikini leaned her elbows on the windowsill. She had a nonchalant look in her eyes, slowly chewing a piece of gum. She had long dark brown hair that reached shoulder blades; the very tips of her hair were dyed green. On the right strap of her bikini, a name tag read, Sausa.

"What can I make you?"

"I want the Pink Fruit drink in the biggest bowl you have!"

"Alright," she smiled, "Coming right up." She turned around, rummaging through cabinets, and turned on the mixing machines. "So," she called out over the loud whir of one of the appliances. "I haven't seen you around before."

"I was gone on a mission for a few weeks. Also, it's my first time here."

"Oh yeah? When did you get back?"

"Two days ago," Ivy leaned into the window, curiously observing Suasa use all the gadgets in the kitchen.

Sausa glanced over her shoulder, noticing Ivy's interest. She explained to her the basics of what everything did and what went into making the food. She found it amusing how invested Ivy was, her eyes never leaving hers, except the few times when her gaze tended to drift southbound.

"So, what're you doing after this?"

"I have one more class, and then after that, I'm going to the promotion ceremony."

"Ooh," Suasa sounded intrigued, "It's been a while since I've been to one of those. What rank are you gonna be?"

"A second star!" Ivy thought back to earlier that day. Neph had called everyone who was up for a promotion to his office. He would interview each of them one at a time, testing to see if they were ready.

"Next person!" Neph's voice called out as the kid in front of Ivy walked out of the door. It was the first time Ivy had ever been in the oval-shaped building before. She had asked Zoe about it previously, but said they weren't allowed inside without an audience.

"Good luck," Colson said from behind her as she sauntered into the room.

Her footsteps echoed as she walked to the small padded purple chair in front of Neph's desk. In the corner, Lubbock leaned against the wall, a notepad in his hand, though at the time, Ivy didn't know who he was. He wore a bulky suit. It was such a dark shade of purple it almost looked black.

As she sat down, Neph ruffled through some papers on his desk, finding a file labeled 'Ivy.'

"This has been an interesting couple of months, I would say...How is your arm?"

"It's good," Ivy said, holding up her hand, wiggling her fingers.

"Are you making a lot of friends?"


"Here you go; this'll get you right." Suasa handed her a coconut the size of a fishbowl—a striped straw was sticking from the top. Inside was a mixture of pink and white swirls. "Some advice from a third star since it seems like you're gets better, don't worry. But yeah, come on by if you need anything, though."

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