Chapter 33

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Zoe realized pretty quickly that even in his exhausted state, Geier would have no issue in a fight with her. His sharp nails, his tall, muscular frame... 'I've completely underestimated this. I've learned a lot intuitively from the time I came up with this plan until now, and I don't think I can do this. But if he beats me, then we basically lose. I've got to think of something.'

"Hey, so, um, can you keep a secret?"

Geier paused, his eyes narrowing, and his body language changed to a defensive stance. "A secret?" he tried to sound dispassioned, but his voice oozed with curiosity.

"Yes," Zoe said, a slight shake in her voice. She didn't account for it, but it was almost impossible not to give in to the urge of her fidgeting—shuffling her cards or twirling a strand of her hair between her fingers. It felt like a part of her brain was itching, and it wouldn't go away until she scratched it.

"Sure, why not?"

"Well, we had this whole plan, and I won't be able to do it. You're too strong for me. If you don't tell anyone that I told you, I can show you where the ring is."

An enormous grin crossed Geier's face. "Alright, where is it?"

"I'm going to have to show you."

"I'm not stupid. You'll tell me. Now."

"I—alright," Zoe pointed a shaky hand towards her right, near the direction of the waterfall. "It's over there, but you can't just walk over and get it. I'm gonna have to show you. It's a very specific place; I can't quite describe it with words."

Geier thought for a moment, looking into Zoe's eyes, seeing no hostility there, "Fine, let's go. But if I find out you're lying, I'll kill you on the spot."

Zoe nodded.

The peregrination from where they were to the waterfall was a quiet one. Suddenly stopping, Geier turned, "Actually, do you actually need to come with me?"

Zoe clenched her jaw. 'He's getting suspicious, and I have about two minutes before we reach there; I'm going to have to do this fast,' she thought. "Well, there's something I should probably tell you."


"Well, if I may ask, you have energy, right?"

"Of course."

"So that's why you felt so strong. That's the only way to gain access to the temple. Energy, and a lot of it. You seem strong enough."

"Is that the secret?"

"Part of it," Zoe said. 'So far, so good. A clever lie.'

"So, why would someone like you know? You just got here, didn't you? From that colony up north."

'Not clever enough, but he gave me enough information. It doesn't seem like he knows much about the Crater—he doesn't even know the name; I may be able to use this,' she thought, her heart rate quickening. Her voice was slow and deliberate. "Well, there's more to it than that. The guy that was around me, the taller boy with brown hair, I've known him for years. His family actually lives here, and he visits often. He kinda tells me everything, maybe even things I probably shouldn't know."

He turned and continued walking towards the waterfall, a single monotone, "okay."

"Yeah, that's why we were picked to come down here. They knew we could be trusted. This also isn't our first time coming down here."

There was a long pause; Zoe wanted to say something but knew it would seem suspicious if she talked too much. 'Okay, this is bad. It's going off-script. From this point on...I haven't thought this far ahead. Talking isn't exactly my strong suit, and if things go south, there'll be no way I could beat him in a fight. Even with him in his exhausted state and with my knives and energy, I don't stand a chance. Think! Think!'

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