" And how is it my fault that your... what? GIRLFRIEND tried killing me?! I didn't even know her!"

" Probably because you make them so afraid Freya!" HE screams back. " They see you as a threat! They see those dragons as a threat! They're unnatural! Your-" He stops himself snapping his mouth shut.

A small smirk curls my lips, " I'm unnatural."

His jaw clenches as he stares back at me, " You always knew you were different Freya. And that's fine...but you know what was never fine.."

" Yea? What?" I spit.

" That you always felt sorry for yourself for being so different but you never seemed to help yourself. You always seems to get your ass in more trouble, draw more damn attention to yourself and drag everyone else into it! No wonder your mother never gave to approval you always whined and bitched about! Because your reckless, your a liability and your to damned stubborn to realize that!"

My mouth closes. Those words hurt like hell...

Xaden was right. Maybe I never knew Dain or maybe the Dain that left me died on the Parapet. In one swift motion I see the blackness of Xaden's shadows wrap around Dain's neck lifting him off the ground.

" I'd walk away Aetos when I still have a little restraint left, unless you want to join your bitch in the ash pile over there." Xaden seethes tossing him a couple feet.

He rolls coughing as he looks at us.

Now I see Dain Aetos in a different light. I take a couple steps towards him kicking him in the gut, " Maybe I'm a liability or a risk Aetos.... but at least I won't be a puppet, betraying your squad mates just so my mother will accept you or any other person here... You know what the different always was between us?"

He doesn't say anything.

" You will always take the cowardly approach to get power you crave so damn much.. kissing asses that will never see you as an equal and will betray you when it benefits them..and that.. is an unstable type of power. While me on the other hand.. I take my power, it's the kind that's raw..and won't be taken from me like yours will... If they try I'll be the one killing..not the one that will be killed."

" You sound just like him.." Dain sneers. " You sound like all of them. Maybe that dragon of yours should put a relic on you-"

I kick him square in the face, enough, but not enough to knock him out. kneeling down I grab his collar, " I'd be careful... Maybe if you piss me off just a little more, I'll have Rhys burn a hole through the dragon of yours..and you'd be drug along as well. Don't tempt me."

I push him away getting back up once more, " And you know what? I'd gladly take one of their marks, because the ones that are supposed to hate me and try to kill me have been more loyal and more helpful then you've ever been Aetos."

" I'm..I'm sure your...-m-other will love hearing..that." He rasps.

I chuckle, " And I'm sure you'll tell her. But I know her, and I know she'll hear what happened here, and you and I both know she's not stupid... She won't touch me and he sure as hell won't touch Rhys... so go run tail tucked to her Dain.."

I give him one final glance before I spin around going past Xaden and Liam who just..watched. But I hear footsteps behind me soon after though they were a little distanced.

I hold back the tears, I bite my cheek so hard I feel the warm taste of metal on my tongue as I walk, I take deep breaths, not to deep that I know people will hear it, I try slowing them down, I hope my heart slows as well but it only speeds up.

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