Chuckling you put your hands on your hips and smirk at him. His eyes move back to your face and widen a bit, but then he turn his face blank.

"You know, you should probably wash yourself too. You smell worse than me." You tell him, holding your nose with a smile pointing to him, to make sure he understands.

He doesn't care and just turns away from you to wait for you to finish. Keeping a watch out, just in case. You sigh and turn to walk to the water.

Hissing when your feet reach the water, Roan turned slightly to just check on you. But he shouldn't have done that, because now he couldn't move his eyes from your backside. When it's past the water as you walk deeper into the water, he shakes his head turning around.

After a some time he frowns at the silence. Turning around he finds you gone. Panic rises inside him and he begins to look around frantically, before glancing at the water again and seeing bobbles where you had been heading.

In seconds he was out in the water and making his way to you, but you come up from the water like a damn mermaid or something, throwing your hair back and and running your hands over your face and hair, with a satisfied smile on your face. He stopped dead in his tracks, staring at you in awe.

Opening your eyes again you see him halfway into the water toward you. Chuckling, you gesture to his clothes.

"Should probably try washing without those." You tell him and he wakes up from his trance.

He looks down and groan annoyed at realising he was now going to have wet clothes, and you laugh at him.

"Might as well now." You shrug and lean down to float in the water.

It was freezing but you found it nice actually, soothing your aching muscles. You weren't used to this terrain, as you walked the forest you used muscles you didn't even realise were completely unused up in the Ark. You kept stumbling and falling a lot as you went, so you had some bruises on your knees and legs. You ankle had twisted too, so you were limping most of the way.

Roan had to walk so slow he thought he was gonna fall asleep waiting for you to keep up. He had hissed at you for being so slow and mumbled a lot in his native language on the way. He was already planning to have you train a bit, to grow your stamina and teach you to walk properly in the forest without making so much noise all the time.

He walks out of the water and undress. You see him in your peripheral vision from where you float, when he turns slightly before taking off his pants, you see the scars on his back. Frowning you look at them, they were carved in a way it looked intentional.

Getting into the water, he walks out to where he can still stand and ducks down to get his shoulder length hair wet. Once getting up again, he shakes his head violently and you exclaim, covering your face.

He laughs at you and you retaliate, splashing water at him. You laugh swimming away. Swimming faster than you, he's captured you in his arms almost immediately, he lifts you up and you yelp in surprise when he throws you into the water with him.

Both coming up again, you with a surprised gasp, you can't help but laugh at the antics. You hadn't been playful and childish in some time and you found it freeing.

Roan sees you've gotten some algae in your hair, he moved closer and reach up to remove it. Never moving his eyes from yours as you look up at him with a soft smile, even after he removed it he couldn't move his gaze.

My People (Roan x reader)Where stories live. Discover now