15. TIRED +18

Depuis le début

Despite everything, however, he forced himself to continue reading what were the comments to that post.

The title read, "The role of omegas: getting laid."

Hundreds and hundreds of comments followed.


"I always knew omegas were useless."

"A whore"

"You did well"

"He deserved it"

"Kill yourself, you suck"

This was followed by smilies that laughed or vomited.

Of course, there were also comments that stood in defense of the omega.

"This is horrible, shame on you all who are commenting"

"You are monsters, you should go to jail."

"Do you realize what you have done?"

Jeff, however, ignored them, not interested in them. He was too focused on those who told him that he sucked, that he was disgusting, that he had no right to live, or even joked that they could sleep with him, have their turn.

-We have arrived- says the driver.

Jeff had not realized the time passing.

-Thank you- he paid and quickly got out of the cab. He ran to his apartment and locked himself inside.


Charlie was at Babe's house, they had just finished dinner and were preparing a movie to watch on the couch. Suddenly a message came to him, an unknown number. There was a link. At first he thought it was a joke or a scam then another message came to him saying:

"You better watch it, it's about your brother, Jeff."

Charlie didn't think twice, clicked on the link and arrived at the same page Jeff would arrive at shortly after.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

His brother....Jeff....no....it couldn't be....

He was paralyzed at the realization that his brother had suffered all that. Why didn't he know? Jeff seemed normal all of that time. When did it happen? Who had done those things to him? More importantly, how was Jeff now, what would he do if he saw that video?

Charlie tried to call and write to him but he did not answer. He then called Alan. Alan had also received the same message and had the same reaction as Charlie.

"I'm going to see if he's at his house"- said Alan quickly.

"Okay, you go, I'll join you as well. If you find him, call me"- Charlie replied.

Jeff closed the door behind him. He could still see the slew of comments charging before his eyes.

His life was ruined. Everything was ruined. Everyone had seen that video. He would never again be able to go back to college or walk the streets without being laughed at by everyone. Charlie? Alan? They had seen it for sure. He would never again be able to look them in the eye, never again be able to talk to them without knowing that the two of them probably thought the same thing about him as other people. He sucked. He was worthless. He was a whore.
He was struggling to breathe, his head felt heavy, full of thoughts that had no order. He was trembling.
What was the point of standing there thinking? He could not hide for long. He just wanted to escape. But he couldn't do that. Where was he going to go? What was he going to do?
The truth was that he was alone. He always had been, but at least he had Charlie and then Alan had come along too. But now....the two of them hated him too, were disgusted with him.
Nothing made sense anymore.

Suddenly everything became clearer. His mind cleared of everything, he stopped shaking, wiped away his tears.
That feeling again. The nothingness. Absolute nothingness. He had felt it many times before, but this time it was different.
What was the point of it all? None.

He headed to the kitchen, picked up a glass and threw it on the floor. He picked up a shard of glass and stopped to look at it. He had done this before, for much less. This time, however, why stop at one small cut? By now he had lost everything. There was no way out. He had no one left.

"Call me the next time you think of doing something like this again"-that was what Alan had told him a month before.

But now, how could he call a person who hated him? It was obvious that after seeing that video, Alan would only feel disgust towards him. He did not want to call him to just hear it with his own ears. There was no need to. He was probably at home now, watching a movie thinking about what a stupid omega he had given a job to. Laughing at him. Cursing at him.

He had no one to call. He didn't need them. It was over now.

A trickle of blood began to flow from his wrist. It was not deep, it was like all the other times. He had always wondered what it would feel like to cut himself deeper, but he had never had the courage. Now, however, he didn't care, he felt nothing, there was nothing and no one left to make him think it was worth getting up the next day. He deepened the cut. It burned, it hurt so bad. But he felt his head so heavy that he stopped paying too much attention to it. Blood began to flow profusely, falling to the floor.
Jeff placed the piece of glass on the kitchen sink. His head began to spin. His vision became blurred. He was sleepy and very tired. He got down on his knees and then sat on the floor as he looked at the pool of blood forming at his feet. He squinted his eyes, no longer able to keep them open. He fell, lying on the ground.

-Jeff! Jeff?!-it was Alan. He had arrived at Jeff's apartment. He was slamming his fists against the door. He knew he had to be there, where else could he be?.

-Jeff! Open the door!-hearing no response for several time, he lost his mind. He began kicking at the door, shoving at it. It was not made of strong material. Within a short time he managed to open it, under the dismayed eyes of the neighbors who had poured into the hallway.

-Jeff! Jeff...-Alan saw him lying on the floor. He lost his balance for a moment. All that blood...it couldn't be. He ran to Jeff and got beside him on his knees. He lifted Jeff just enough for his head to rest on his leg. Alan grabbed his wrist and tried to swab the wound, but it would not stop drawing blood.

-Jeff! Why did you do that?! You promised me. Jeff! Please...-Alan began to sob. He had blood on his shirt by now.

-Please...hang on....don't leave me....Jeff!-

What was that mess? Jeff managed to think. His head was raised, he could sense it, but he couldn't understand anything else. He opened his eyes. Barely half-closed. They were heavy, he was tired, he just wanted to sleep.

Alan....was it Alan?....why was he crying? What was he doing there? What a strange dream he was having, he thought. Then he remembered. That image...desperate Alan, covered in blood....he had seen it twice before. He had always thought that Alan would have an accident or something, that something bad would happen to him. In the end, however, the vision had not predicted any of that. It was Jeff who had made it come true. Well, his visions were never wrong, after all....he had been right this time too...he thought almost smiling.

Then he saw nothing more.

OLD SCARS AlanJeff (Omegaverse) | PITBABEOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant