Naruto? Sasuke?

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Author pov:
A week had passed after the meeting between you and the hokages and uchihas. Right now you were at the hokages office, in the hokage's seat, doing Tsunade's work as she was too drunk to do them. Oh.. did I mention that you were sitting on Minato's lap while he was hugging your waist? The others were around you helping you with the hokage work.
Minato:( ahh!! M/n looks so cute while he's concentrating!!! I could watch this all day long~~)
Hashirama: this is the reason I was worried when you said that Tsunade was the current hokage.. I've spoiled that kid a lot.. good thing your here.. otherwise what would have been the villages situation by now??
You laughed a bit. They all look at you amused. You don't notice that and continue working.
Hashirama: (shit that was so cute.. fuck.. I'm falling..)
Izuna: ( too cute..)
Kakashi: ( I wanna grab him and kiss him rn..)
And he did. He removed his mask and literally joined his lips with yours. You were too shocked to react. He took that chance to slide in his tongue. This went in for a minute or so until he broke off and stared at you while putting his mask back. Now you were the definition of a tomato.
Minato chuckles and kisses the nape of your neck.( Your sitting on his lap so..) You now were seriously flustered.
M/n: ( that was hot AF.. fuck.. shit.. damn it..)
You were not wearing your mask rn. So when you sensed a presence close to the hokage office, you panicked and put on you mask. It was non other than team 7 with the present Kakashi.
Naruto: Tsunade obachaaaan!! We need a new mission!!! Ara- M/n??? N/nnnnnnnn!!!
He said jumping to the table and hugging you.
M/n: N- Naruto- Cant- breathe-
You saw Minato's hand reach out to seperate you both. As he separated, Naruto looked shocked.
Naruto: h- how did that..
M/n: t- that doesn't matter!
You said taking your mask off.
M/n: anyways.. Tsunade sama is too drunk to do or say anything.. you have to wait until she sober's up... So go for now.. I still have like a lot to do.. btw.. where is Sasuke?
The future Sasuke smiled.
Sasuke:( he cares...)
Naruto: oh he's still at the hospital.. You know.. from that fight between Us and Gaara.. your coming with us to visit him???
M/n: hm. Sure.. I'll join you after a while. You can go now..
They nod and went off. Present Kakashi stared at you for a moment longingly and went away. You let out a sigh of relief.
Obito and Itachi came near you. They started for a while then leaned down. One kissed you on your lip, other sucked on your neck. This time you just moved your lips with Itachi. After a while Itachi pulled away. He pecks your lips once more and then lifts you up from Minato's lap like it was nothing. Minato lets out a groan at this but Itachi pays no attention to that and makes you sit on the table.
M/n: wh- what are you doing Ita Kun..
He ignores that and just rests his head on you shoulder with his hands snakes around your waist. You felt like you should embrace him back and you wrap your hands around his neck. Obito hugs you from the behind.The others just watch this dumbfounded. After a while you felt something. You said hurriedly.
M/n: Ita Kun.. obi kun.. pls get up.. something is not right.. you guys come with me.
Itachi and Obito takes their head off your shoulder and lifts you up with them. You yelp but take everyone's hand and teleport to the hospital 's rooftop, just to see Naruto and Sasuke about to clash their rasengan and chidori. You run off their arms to them getting in between them taking the clash just before Kakashi was about to stop them. It's silent for a moment. Dead silence. The atmosphere filled with worries, regret, sadness, anger, fear. That was until you interrupt the silence by coughing blood falling on to your knees. The anbu mask in your hands breaking into pieces. Kakashi came running towards you. He lifted you up and tried to keep you awake. Your ~lovers~( idk jk.) came running towards you. They were panicking. With Kakashi, Obito was also embracing you trying to keep you awake.
You open your eyes Infront of Kojin who was wide awake trying to figure out what just happened.
M/n: oh.. I'm here? Yo Kojin. How's life my bro?
Kojin: Don't bro me M/n! Why did you jump Infront of them knowing it were one of the two most S class jutsu?!
M/n: well better than them losing a fucking hand each.
Kojin: don't swear. I'll heal you for now. I can't give you much chakra. We have linked for sure but we haven't gone into the Biju mode. So it's not easy to give you chakra as of now.
Saying this, he heals you. You go back to the actual world just to see worried looking Tsunade healing you. You look around slowly to see others around you.
Madara, Obito, Hashirama, Tobirama, Itachi, Shisui, Naruto, Sasuke, Minato, Kakashi and Izuna all around you.
M/n: T- tsuna san... T- that's e- eno- ugh... I- I'm o- K..
Tsunade: Shut up M/n. Let me heal you!
M/n: K- Kojin did...
She ignores you continuing to heal your bloody body. After a while, she bandaged you up and says.
Tsunade: rest. I'll let them in.
M/n: N- not now.. after.. a.. while . P- please..
Tsunade: stop talking unnecessarily!! Ok? Rest M/n.. you need rest.. You sacrificed yourself so that they don't hurt themselves.. that's enough... Just rest.
She says as tears are falling down her eyes. You wearily lift your hand up to her eyes and wipe her tears away.
M/n: d... Don't.. cr..y..
She nods and gets out of the room.
Madara: why would you do that?! Are you dumb?!
Minato: Don't be like this M/n..
You watch as Naruto and Sasuke bicker about who's fault this was and Madara and Minato scolding you. Obito and Izuna came and hugged you. Your eyes began watering. You realise that now you have people who worry about you, who would scold you if you did something stupid but support you no matter what. You realise that you have people who... love you. You bury your face on the crook of Obito's neck as tears start falling from your eyes. He notices it after you let out a pretty audible sob. He panicked.
Obito: w- what's wrong baby? Why are you crying? Does it hurt that bad? Baby???
The others notice this and comes near you. You lift your face up. Tears falling from those beautiful E/c( eye color) eyes.
Kakashi:( how can someone look This pretty even while crying?)
Madara: ( he looks so.. mesmerising.. I guess.. the great Uchiha Madara... Is falling for his beauty too..)
You chuckle wearily.
M/n: im... Glad.. I.. have.. you..a..ll..
They all let out a sigh of relief. Tobirama comes near you, bends down to your level and kisses you. It was passionate. Filled with love. You kiss him back. He pulls off after a while. Suddenly Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi and Sakura burst the door open. As they look closely, they see dry tears stained your beautiful face. Sakura began crying while hugging you. You let out a hiss as your body was still wounded. Seeing this, Shisui separates the two and hugs you softly. Sakura is shocked.
Sakura: w- who-
Sasuke: I'm really sorry M/n.. I'm sorry.. I'm.. sorry...
He says as his eyes began watering. He comes near you and hugs you softly. The elder Sasuke just looked shocked.
Sasuke: ( was I always this soft for.. him?)
Naruto: I'm sorry too... m/n..
He began crying.
He also hugs you softly from the other side.
Naruto: ( I was... This soft...? And dumb...??? Shit-)
M/n: I- it's.. o..K.. S..asuke..
After a while they let go of you.
Kakashi: ok.. that's enough.. M/n needs rest.. you three can go now. And. Please don't fight again. You saw what you did to
They nod guiltily and go. After they went, Kakashi came closer to you, pulling you into a hug.
Kakashi: I'm.. sorry... I was late M/n...
M/n: it's. Ok... Kakashi... It.. was not.. y..our fault...
He pulls his mask down and kisses your forehead. He smiles and said.
Kakashi: I'll protect you M/n.. even if it costs my life..

Ok... Now this chapter was pedophic AF.. but, I wanted to make this chapter gay. I mean.. I have given warning that this is a gay chapter, boy X boy chapter, but nothing was really in it.. So.. if your gay just like me, you would enjoy this. So... Hehe. .. stay tuned for the coming part and.. GIVE ME SUGGESTIONS AND IDEAS ok?!?! In the comment, now. Ok byeee until next time Reader san/ Chan!!!

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