Gaara(Shukaku) VS team7

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He looked miserable. He didn't want this but the beast was not listening. I have to be careful. I can't let sasuke naruto and others know that I'm also a Jinchuriki. I would probably have to put them to sleep and fight him alone which would be easy considering he's afraid of Kojin. Idk what so much to be afraid of him since he is just a-
Kojin: Shut up. Your father didn't make you my host to underestimate me!!! I'm the all might eleven tails!!! The strongest beast in the world! Hmp!!
Y/n: you don't sound like one th-
Kojin: Shush!!!
Y/n: ok anyways. We have to fight your little racoon brother.
Kojin: he ain't my bro- ok he is my brother but he isn't like me! He's a scardycat!!!
Ok anyways. But first let me see how this fight goes.
As the fight goes on... Sakura was held by the rac- i mean the tailed beast's hand, Sasuke last Chidori shot already over. Then, Naruto called Gamabunta, the chief toad. They transformed into ninetails. They held the rac- Shukaku and tried waking up Gaara but failed at first. I decided to take my part. I did the sleeping Jutsu. I mean, Kurama already knew about me and Kojin so one day he would tell Naruto one or another day. So.... I trapped everyone except for him in the sleeping Jutsu. Me and Kojin Linked, he gave a just a tiny bit of power to take over this stupid raccoon. I jumped up high and pulled Gaara with me waking him up and leading Shukaku to get destroyed. I thought it would be hard to pull Gaara out of Shukaku but surprisingly, it was pretty easy. I carried Gaara in bridal style. He woke up and jumped away from me. He tried collecting Shukaku again which i knew was Shukaku controlling him. I said to Naruto.
Y/n: Naruto!!! I will take you to him, you will jump and slap his face to wake him up from Shukaku mode.
Kojìn: Oi Shukaku!!! Don't make the child do this you baka!!!
Shukaku: N- Ni san?? W- what are you doing here???
Kojìn: You baka!! That doesn't matter!! Leave the kid alone or get along with him!!
Shukaku: b- but Ni san! I wanna get out! They locked me inside this guy!!
Kojìn: they locked me inside of him too. But once you befriend your Jinchuriki you can make them release you sometimes!!
Shukaku: G- Gomen Ni san...
Naruto: G- got it!!!
I took him to Gaara and he just did as i said. He tried to slap but he missed so he hit his head with his own which led both of them to bleed. Both of them were falling down. I caught them and i started to heal them since both of em were badly bleeding. As i was healing them.
Naruto: Y/n.... What was that weird chakra covering you???
Gaara: w- wait.... Are you...
I sighed.
Y/n: yes. Tho it's a secret between us Jinchuriki's. Kurama, Shukaku, i k you already know about me. So I'm telling these two. So, I'm also a Jinchuriki, The host of the Eleven tailed beast, Kojin.
Gaara: t-the eleven tailed? I thought there were only..... 10 tailed beast.
Naruto: wow!!! T-thats so cool! So you too had a bad past just like ours? Are all Jinchurikis treated the same way???
Y/n: w-well... Yes. Anyways, you guys will keep it a secret since only a few including you guys know that about me. The hokage, Kashi San you and.... And m-my step father knows about this.
Naruto: so .. what about your mom and real dad and your clan?????
Y/n: t-they are all dead.
Both of them got silent after that.
Gaara: Naruto... Y/n... Arigato.
Naruto flashed his signature smile while i just smiled a bit. I felt something.
Y/n : wait. Can U guys release your talked beast in their Chibi forms??
Naruto and Gaara: Idk how to do that...
Y/n: oh... Right.
I bit my thumb
Kochiyose no jutsu!!
I released Kojìn in his Chibi form.
Y/n: Kojìn. Now release your brother's too.
Kojìn: wakatha! Don't go ordering me!! Oi Shukaku, Kurama!! Come out in your Chibi form!!
Shukaku: h- hai Ni san??
Kurama: h- Hai Ni san...
Kojìn: Shukaku you baka! What do you think you were doing not letting your host sleep??? Are you dumb???
Shukaku: G- Gomen... I was just itching to get out...
Kojìn: and Kurama. What do U think you were doing not letting Naruto have his childhood?! You could have atleast talked to him. Let him befriend you!!!
Kurama: b- but Ni san! I can't-
Kojìn: Oi oi oi! You both will have them befriend you slowly. Oi Naruto Gaara! If they are not doing what I said just tell Y/n. I'll make them do it.
Naruto and Gaara: H- Hai!!
Gaara: 'm- mother is afraid of Y/n and his beast???'
Naruto: 'the all mighty fox is afraid of them????'
Y/n: Ok Kojìn. Arigato. You can go back or just roam around here.
Kojìn: Hm. I'll go back. I wanna sleep. Kurama Shukaku. Heal them and if you want roam around here. Don't get caught by the outsiders. No matter where U run I'll find you do don't even try to.
I released the sleeping Jutsu.
Y/n: kai. Sakura Temari Kankuro! Take care of them. I'll be right back.
Saying this i teleported towards Ojichan.

And here am gonna end this chapter. I know it's shorter than the other chapters but.... I'm sorry. Sorry!!! So basically I'm planning to let the hokage live but I gonna make him retire so that everything can go as the story is. The hokage's death always hits so bad.So yes. Until next time reacher Chan/ San! Stay safe!!!

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