Y/n's Big Reveal!!!! + A meet with Itachi??

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Author Pov:

After some minutes you saw the others coming there.

Ino: Ara? Dark sama?? Where is Y/n Kun???
You say nothing but do some hand signs.
Dark: Rippōtai kabe: Sen no kindan no jutsu.
A wall like thing cover you guys from all 4 sides. They look at you in awe.
Choji: w- what are you doing dark sama.
Dark: Shikamaru. You would have guessed it by now right??
Shikamaru: m- masakka ( it can't be) a- are you.....
You take your mask off revealing your flawless face. Everyone was shocked.
Kiba: Dark sama is.... Our... Y/n????
Y/n: that's right Kiba. Now tell me if an anbu commander like me fought with a genin, what would have happened?
Shikamaru: Obviously the genin would lose.
Y/n: yes correct. That is why I gave up on the preliminary battle. Also, Sakura... I'm leaving Team 7.
Sakura: w- what..... W- why.... N- no......
Y/n: i don't think I would be able to do all of the jobs together. I'm an anbu commander, so I'll have my own missions. I'm doing most of the hokage's paperworks excluding the paperworks assigned to me as an anbu. But ofc I'll stick around you guys and Shikamaru. Since your strategy was excellent, you'll be helping me with the paperworks and the anbu missions going on. The rest all who won are now officially Chunins. The once who didn't win, don't be sad, you guys can have it the next time. As I said, you can always seek me if you have anything as I'll be always around you guys. Now, when Naruto and Gaara wakes up, please inform them too about this. Now I'm afraid I'll have to leave now as I have a lot of missions to complete.
Everyone nodded symbolising they were very understanding.
Y/n: oh and. I want you to not tell about my identity to anyone else. Pls tell Naruto also to not tell this to anyone. This is supposed to be a sss ranked secret. I informed you since I trusted you. Shikamaru, i would like you to come with me.
Shikamaru: h- hai Dark sama.
You undid the Jutsu and took Shikamaru with you. You guys then continued with the paperworks that were pending.

-a few months later-
Tsunade trained you alot on healing jutsus. She taught you the forbidden 1000 healing jutsus which by now you mastered. Orochimaru also taught you some jutsus and jiraiya taught you about the summoning toad Jutsu. After a week or so, Orochimaru's punishment started.
As u and Kakashi were walking around, u felt kinda strange... U looked over to Kakashi to find him looking right back at U.
Y/n: Kakashi..... Ikkiso! To Sasuke.
Kakashi: hai Taichou!
As u and Kakashi were waiting for him, u noticed two strange men there inside a shop. As u activated your Shiroga, one had water style Jutsu and one had......
'S- Sharingan?? I- Itachi San?? You looked over to Kakashi to see him clueless'
... Kurenai San and Asuma San also walked over to you.
Asuma: huh? What are you doing here Y/n Kun and Kakashi????
Kakashi: oh... We were waiting for Sasuke...
Asuma: woahhh~ your early??? Hm.. probably because of Y/n Kun???
Kakashi: aish!!! What are you talking about?!
He said flustered probably blushing inside- pft- u hid your breathetaking smile and maintained your hot cold face(👄🥵).
Y/n: Guys- Not now...
And Sasuke walked over to you.
Sasuke: ehhhh? Kakashi? What's up with being so earl- o-oh.... Y/n....
When he said your name he started to blush like crazy. U looked behind to see the men dissapeared.... Huh? U looked over to Kurenai and Asuma San. They nodded and left. U stayed with them a bit. Feeling very uneasy, U linked Kakashi through the mental link.. he nodded. You excused yourself and left. Sasuke looked kinda disapointed but meh- As U arrived u saw kurenai defeated and Asuma getting defeated??? So U made a shadow clone sent the clone to Asuma and the other one to Kurenai. 'Kisame and Itachi San??' " Oi Y/n. You HAVE to ask if Itachi why he left when U loved him like crazy. Or else I will take over and ask him the hard way.
Y/n: ' calm down Ko. I will ask him by myself.
U activated my Shiroga. Ur clone appeared infront of Asuma. Kisame San used the water dragon Jutsu which Zabuza had used. U knew it pretty well, u copied it easily.
Kisame and Y/n: Water style: water dragon dance Jutsu!!!
It crashed and both of them got cancelled.
Kisame: wait.... The only one who could... Y- Y/n????
U flash that breathtaking smile of urs a bit.
Kisame: I- Itachi.... I can't....
Then U quickly shushined to Itachi San and as he was about to hit her with the kunai U blocked it with urs.
Y/n: Kurenai San. Get away.
You said deeply. She says nothing but does what U said.
Y/n: Itachi San. I know your not in your right mind. Don't.... Do this.... Please...
Itachi: y- y/n?????? You.... You grew so tall Y/n... And you l-look so......... (Whispers) handsome...
He said blushing.
Y/n: (chuckles deeply) w- why did you leave me that day??? W- why did you k-kill your own clan?? They were so close to me... That day I felt like I once again lost everything... ( you said with a broken smile)
Itachi: I- Kisame... Ikkiso!! Let's not waste our time here!!! Y- Y/n... C- Can you come with u- us?
Asuma: w- what?!?! No!!!! Y/n kun!!!
U think for a while. U sigh.
Y/n: I'll be ok Asuma san and kurenai san... Please inform the others that I'll be back in a while. Don't tell this to anyone. Just tell them I went for a secret mission. Also. Please inform Tsuna San and Jiraiya San about it... Tell them to not worry.
They nodded. And U jumped off with them.
They took u to an abandoned forest kinda area.
Y/n: Explain.
U said coldly.
Itachi: w- well.... You know Danzo... Right?
U nod.
Itachi: ( tells you the story of him manipulating him. I'm not spoiling that! He also tells U about the consequence and the disease he is currently going through.)

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