hokages and uchiha??

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Haha ik I've taken WAY too long to post... But I've got a reason!!! I've literally lost inspiration to write! I mean.. I've avoided all the main fights coming up! What can I do?! Sooo here is a new part which is.. u know what nvm just read it... Also... Guys... Be a little active with the comments section! Gimme ideas! Ok let's get into it..

M/n pov:
As i woke up, I saw some men with a curious look in their eyes.I rub my eyes wiping away the sleepiness. As I look closely... I realise that... It was... The hokages and Uchiha clan members... Wait.. WHAT?!
M/n: HUH?! Senju Hashirama?! Uchiha Madara?! EH?! Senju Tobirama?! Namikaze Minato?! U- Uchiha Shisui San...? And Itachi San?????? Kakashi San? Wait... Who are you....?
???: you don't know me?! Ur so mean dattebayo....
Dattebayo??? Naruto?!
M/n: w- why are you taller than me Naruto?! If u r Naruto.. then that must be... SASUKE?! And who are you???
???: I'm... Uchiha Izuna..
Madara: and who might you be?
M/n: I'm Yoshihara M/n..... But.. what are you all doing here?! Aren't half of you supposed to be.. dead?
Hashirama: well.. that's exactly what we r also trying to figure out... We were in our own worlds and out of no where we all are here...
M/n: that doesn't make any sense but ok... Should I tell this to the hokage??
Hashirama: ahh speaking of which... Who's the Hokage now?
M/n: well... It's your granddaughter... Tsuna San.. I mean.. Tsunade sama..
Naruto: hm yea! I remember!! It's Tsunade obachan's time periods!!
Hashirama San looked scared.
M/n: Hashirama sama... Whats the issue?
Hashirama: ohh nothing.. I've spoiled her too much..
I look at the time.im late..
M/n:shit! I'm late!
Sasuke: oh that's right. Hurry up.. Dark sama~~
He said crouching down to meet my height and giving me a peck in the lip. I slightly blushed.
M/n: you sure have grown a lot of confidence sasuke San....
Sasuke: San?
He asked chuckling. Damn.. his chuckle sure got a LOT deeper.
Kakashi: me too-
He crouches down removing the mask in a way only I can see his face and pecks my lips too.As i was standing there completely flushed, I heard someone clearing their throat. So I looked up to see everyone annoyed.
Itachi: M/n your getting late..
M/n: oh shit- that's right-
I ran, changed into my anbu uniform. With the mask in my hand, i ask them.
M/n: you guys are coming with me? Wait... Can other people see you?
Minato: well.. I don't think so.. I mean.. i went out to see the village... And no body seemed to notice me...
M/n: hm... Yea.. so..?
Izuna: I'm coming with you. Ni San?
Madara: Hn...
Naruto: me too dattebayo!
Sasuke: sure.
Minato: yea why not..
Hashirama: OFC! Me and my brother are coming with you!!!
Tobirama: why me-?
Itachi: M/n.. I'm also coming with you...
Shisui: what a question?! I go anywhere N/n( nickname) goes!!
You knew Itachi. So ofc u were close with Shisui too!!
Kakashi: ofc~
M/n: haiii. So hold me now everyone... I'm gonna just teleport..
Madara: you how to teleport? Wait.. how old are you?
M/n: um.. 14.. why Madara Sama?
Madara: hn.. nothing..
Author pov:

Madara: (damn- he's young-)
They all held you and you teleport straight to the hokage office.
M/n: Tsunade sama, Anbu commander Dark reporting.
Minato: shit- Commander?! Naruto.. what's up with him..?
Naruto: idk... He's just.. perfect~ ( simping over you)
Tobirama: wait what?! You too?! ( Ngl he is cute.. wait what?!)
Madara: Hn.( Damn..their right-)
Izuna: yep( ofc he is-)
Itachi: ( he's mine.)
Shisui:( ofc he is.. as long as I was alive, I've been observing him. He's perfect~~)
Kakashi: ( my baby boy is perfect~ I'm gonna make him mine.)
Minato: ( he's fine.. i like him.. think this is the first time I'm falling for someone this easily after Kushina... Damn..)
You got out of the hokage's room and said.
M/n: I don't have much to do today.. take care of young Naruto and sasuke.. then supervise the village.. yea... That's it.. I could show the village around for you guys..
Minato: yea that would be great!
As you were walking around, out of no where, Sakura and Ino came running towards you tackling you with a hug.
Sakura and Ino: DARK SAMAAAA!! I missed youuuu!
Ino: dark sama ignore this forehead!
Sakura: oh yea? Ignore this pig Dark sama!
M/n: I'm not ignoring anyone here... Also... Can u both get up? You guys are literally on top of me..
They blushed and got up. You turned around to check on your new "friends", they looked very annoyed and angry. You were confused, ( they be jealous af hehe) but u shrugged it off.
M/n: Anyways, where is Naruto and Sasuke?
Sakura: hm.. Sasuke kun's probably training.. Naruto.. idk what that baka is doing..
Dark: well.. take care.. I'll be off now..
They just squealed. You went off.
M/n: why were you guys angry earlier?
Hashirama: ohhh nothing much.. we'll tell you this later in private..
M/n: hm.. sure.. let's go see what Naruto's doing..
Elder Naruto:( he cares for me!!)
Sasuke: hn..
You found Naruto on top of the hokage mountain. You observed him for a while. Then you planted a clone to watch him then left. You took them to the forest of death, where you always hang around alone.
Tobirama: if I'm right... This is.. forest of... Death?
M/n: Ah yes.
You said putting a barrier and taking your mask off. They all stared at you as if they were seeing your face for the first time.
M/n: um.. what was the thing you wanted to tell me in private Hashi sama?
Hashirama blushed.
Hashirama: h- Hashi?
M/n: are you ok with it..?
Hashirama: ofc haha! Just a little startled! Haha...
Naruto: hey! We also need Nicknames!!
You laugh a bit.
M/n: Naru?
He blushed.( Ofc he will hehe.)
M/n: Sasuke kun?
Sasuke: hn.. how's that a nickname tho...
He said bending down to your height and pecking your nose.
You blushed.
M/n: I- idk... A- anyways.. Tobi sama?
He blushed amd turned away. ( Ofc he's Tobirama.)
M/n: Izu sama?
He blushed and said.
Izuna: no need of sama..
M/n: but that's like disrespecting you... What about Izu kun?
He blushed again and nodded.
M/n: mada sama?
Madara: sama... No need for the sama.
M/n: bu-
Madara: hn. No buts.
M/n: um.. Kashi san? Ita kun? Shisui kun? Minato kun? Obi kun.. is that ok? ( Damn I'm not good at this..)
They were a blushing mess.
M/n: hm what was it Hashi sama?
Hashirama looked at the others, they all nodded.
Hashirama: Look M/n.. We want you to maintain a distance within you and those girls. Only we are allowed to hug or touch you like that. We'll explain why later but for now, you can only let us touch, kiss or cuddle with you.
M/n: woah.. this sounds like you all own me...
Madara hugged you tightly and said.
Madara: oh I'm afraid we do..
After all.. your ours.. darling~

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