The hidden Mist village.

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Author pov:
For the past few days you guys continued doing D rank missions.
Hiruzen: So your next mission is to help-
Naruto: No! I won't do D rank missions anymore! Nothings interesting!!!
Iruka: Naruto!!! How dare you?! You are still genins now!!! You can't-
Naruto: Iruka sensei!! I'm not that kid who used to pull up pranks! I am a ninja now!
Iruka: still you can't-
He was cut off by Hiruzen laughing.
Hiruzen: Ok ok. I will give you a C ranked mission then.
Naruto: wahhhhh really?!?!
Hiruzen: yes. Your mission is to take a customer back to his village, that is the Land of Waves.
Naruto: who's the customer???? A princess??
Hiruzen: no.. Let him in!
A drunk looking man came in.
???: Huh? Are these fellows suppose to Take me back?! These look like peasants-
Naruto: don't you dare to call us peasant!
???: Anyway I'm Tazuna. I'm a bridge builder. I don't trust you at all you shortie!
Naruto: hahaha who's the shortie- wait-
Sasuke you and sakura scoot close to him leading him being the shortest and you being the tallest.
Naruto: HOW DARE YOU?!?.
Kakashi sensei kept him under his grasp preventing him to hit the Tazuna guy.
Y/n: I think we should get going now, otherwise, we won't reach there by evening. Hiruzen ojichan, we're gonna get going.
Hiruzen: sure sure.
You all get outside the building.
Y/n : take whatever you want and come meet at the village gate in 30 minutes. Kakashi, ikiso.
Kakashi: h- Hai!
After 30 minutes you all met there.
Naruto: yosh! Now! Let's go!
Tazuna: i don't trust him at all! Are you sure these genins would be able to protect me.
Naruto: what your problem?!!! My name is Uzumaki Naruto. Mark it, i will become the hokage!
Tazuna: even if you become the hokage you would be no one for me.
Naruto: you- ahhhhh leave me! I wanna kick him now!!!
He said struggling in your hands this time.
Kakashi: ahhh don't worry. I, a jonin is still here and um ... Y/n.. nothing..
You guys started walking. Until you saw a puddle of water. You thought
Y/n : 'oh. It's those demon brothers.' You guys go ahead. I have some business here to complete.
Kakashi: b- but.
Y/n: go.
As they went you said.
Y/n: Oi. The way your hiding is way too obvious. Come out now.

Suddenly some rougue ninjas came from the puddle of water.
Demon brothers:  ohoho. And who are you brat?
You sigh. You took your mask and placed it on.
Demon brothers: a- Ara! Dark sama!!! Gomenasai!!!! Please forgive us!!!!!!
Y/n: no.
You killed them. As you shushined back to them. You saw them getting horrified.
Naruto: w- why is there blood on your hands???
Sakura, Naruto, Tazuna and even Sasuke seemed to be afraid. While Kakashi stood there all chilled up. I mean, he knew about you so.
Y/n: got across some rogue ninjas. Nothing more. Just the demon brothers.
Kakashi: ehhhh why are they here??
Y/n: probably that Zabuza.
Kakashi: hm... And! Tazuna... You have to explain why the rougue ninjas were behind you. There is no way that in a C rank mission, we have to fight rougue ninjas.
Tazuna: i guess I have no other choice huh....
He explains it as you guys went through
a boat.
Boat driver: Tazuna!! This is till i can take you. Take care...
Tazuna: hm i will.. thank you for taking such a risk...
As you guys walk through the forest Naruto was showing off by throwing kunai knife here and there.
Naruto: over there!!!!
Everyone gets shocked exept for you. You knew he was just showing off.
Naruto: over there!!!
There was a rabbit who looked traumatized. Naruto took that rabbit in his hands.
Naruto: Aw... I'm sorry... Poor rabbit...
All of a sudden there was a blade coming towards him. Kakashi sat down dodging the blade. Seeing him sasuke Tazuna and Sakura also dodged while Naruto stood there cluelessly. You pulled Naruto towards you thus saving him and held the blade like it was nothing.
Naruto: h- huh y/n?
Kakashi: oh... Zabuza from The village hidden in mist huh?
Naruto: huh!!!!! IDC!!
He ran towards him only to get stopped by Kakashi.
Kakashi: you won't be able to handle him. He is in another level. I taught you guys team work didn't i? You three! Go gaurd Tazuna. Y/n!!! Your helping me.
Tazuna: b- but what can a kid do?
Kakashi: you'll see.
He lifts his headband revealing his sharingan.
Zabuza: well well.. if this isn't Kakashi of the sharingan.. do you really think this kid helping you will defeat me?
Everyone looked shock except for you because you have already seen his sharingan.
Naruto: Sharingan Sharingan Sharingan! What is this?!?!
Sasuke: Sharingan is a kekkei Genkai that only the Uchiha clan possess.
Zabuza: well you are right. But it can  copy the opponents moves too.
Y/n : i suggest you to not underestimate me before the battle starts.
You say in a cold tone.
Zabuza stands on the water and suddenly disappeared. You activate your Shiroga. Just as he appears in between Tazuna and them you also appear and take those four away.
Zabuza: hm... Not bad. So your from the Yoshihara clan eh? Shiroga. I see. But isn't it too early for the Shiroga to appear? Usually ith appears after the year of 18. You must be some 12 years? You are pretty skilled.
He again disappeared into the mist. You stay alert guarding the other four. The mist disappears revealing Kakashi stuck inside a water Jutsu while Zabuza's clone is guarding him.

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