Zabuza's return

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Y/n pov : i woke up next day feeling a weight on my body. I looked down to see sasuke Naruto Sakura and Kashi San cuddling up to me. I was stuck... Literally stuck. So I set all of them in a way that even if i slip Outta there they wouldn't get hurt. Then i teleported from there. I looked at each of them silently. Gently giving each of them a forehead kiss. I mean... They were adorable.... It's not like i like them in THAT way... It was a friendly kiss. I went did my morning routines then went out to train again. Since i went near a Lake to train, i didn't take my shirt with me. I started working  on my water jutsus. I saw a feminine man staring at me. I teleported infront of him.
Y/n: you need something?
He blushed and looked down.
???: N- no... I just wanted to know your name because you look so strong and were working pretty hard....
Y/n: y/n.. it's y/n.
???: O- Oh... Nice to meet you y/n... I'm Haku...
Y/n: what are you doing so early in the morning here?
Haku: i was collecting some medical herb here... For the person i care... He's injured..
Y/n: well carry on.. I'll lend you my help.
Saying that I began to help him by plucking the herbs.
Haku: o- oh y/n San... Won't you get cold without your shirt?
Y/n : ah it alr.
Haku: Arigato Y/n San... I hope we meet again...
Y/n: hm..
I said and turned back to train again.

Sasuke pov:

I woke up groaning as i missed the warmth of y/n. Honestly.. i think he might be the only one whom i felt extremely attractive. I think he must be the only person i listen to and I think i could open up to. But... he's hiding something from us. Ik that for sure. He's just genin and how did he defeat S ranked villains on his own. And while killing Zabuza, Y/n said smt which made him horrified... what is it?? How is he not afraid to kill??? I shrugged off those questions for now. Maybe he'll tell us one day. I saw Naruto Sakura and Kakashi sleeping in the same bed. I suppose Sakura and Kakashi came later and cuddled with y/n.. i got up woke up the other three. We all got fresh. As we sat down to eat i saw no presence of y/n.. i felt kinda bad.. i quickly finished my food and stood up to look for him. Naruto did the same and also stood up. Me and Naruto started to walk looking for him. We heard some noise. So we looked that direction to find Y/n practicing some water Jutsu.... Um.... Shirtless.... He looked so... Hot... Water dripping down his suprisingly toned muscles... . As we were watching him he disappeared. I suddenly see that Y/n is infront of us looking down at us since we are shorter than him. He spoke up.
Y/n: oh.. it's just you guys? Hm.. what are you doing here?
I knew i was red as a tomato. I looked over Naruto to see him as same as i am.
Naruto: w- well... We came looking for you... Since you know..
Sasuke: i- it's time to eat.... Um...
He spoke up.
Y/n: it's alr... I'm not hungry..
I got a bit annoyed. I didn't even notice that I was pouting until he said so.
Y/n: sasuke... Why r you pouting? Are you trying to look cuter?
I was shocked.
Sasuke: w- what... N- no... I- i just want you to eat...
I look at his face to see him smile a bit. Wait... HE SMILED A BIT!!!He looked breath taking. Shirtless... Smiling. Shit.. i knew i was staring but i can't help it. He suddenly pulled me and Naruto to a hug. I was frozen. But i eventually hugged him back burying my face in his bare  chest. I think Naruto did the same but i couldn't care less. After a while of hugging he spoke up.
Y/n: well.. you guys have to train. I'm guessing you guys already ate. So... You guys wait for me, i'll take my shirt and come since i think both of you are not comfortable seeing me like this..
Sasuke: w- well... It's alr..
Tbh.. i liked seeing him like this.
Naruto: y- yea it's alr.. let's j- just start training.

Y/n pov:

I knew they were staring at my bare body but i couldn't care less. I mean both looked extremely Adorable. I made a clone of myself and they start training and i catch them whenever they fall. Yet again they trained till night. This time again i carried them. When Kakashi and sakura saw me like that both blushed madly. I took it to the point where Sakura had a nosebleed. 
I went to freshen up and i sat there blankly. I didn't feel hungry so i didn't eat. Ofc they all compelled me but i just shut them off by my unexpected actions.
Naruto and sasuke said they wanted to train again. I knew this time i couldn't stop them. So I just let them. They trained so hard that they finally reached the top most point of the tree. Suddenly one of them asked me. They were worn out so I took them home and we just slept like yesterday all cuddling.
It was the next day, as always i woke up first. After a while everyone else except for Naruto woke up and since our training was done we just went to guard Tazuna. Suddenly mist covered the whole area. Zabuza's clones surrounded us. I looked over sasuke and sakura.
Zabuza: aw... Look at the brats hands shaking... He's still afraid of us..
I saw sasuke smirk as he said that and he cut all of his water clones with the kunai.
Zabuza: oooh... Looks like he has got a bit stronger right? Haku?
I was shocked... Haku? That guy I met earlier? It couldn't be... I don't wanna kill him...
Zabuza: oh and... Sorry for underestimating you Y/n San... But... However... This time... I won't lose to you.
Y/n: we'll see about that...
Zabuza: Haku!!! You take care of that boy. Y/n. I will fight you.
Haku: got it.
He began spinning and throwing needles. He stopped spinning infront of sasuke trying to attack him. He blocked it with his kunai. I was impressed. They began to spare with each other. I crossed my arms on my chest and watched them do so.
Zabuza: well.. Haku will kill your brats while i kill you Kakashi and Y/n sama.
Kakashi smirked and said.
Kakashi: i don't know whether you'll kill me or not but i don't think that you could kill Y/n. He's way more stronger than you think. Even i can't defeat y/n. He almost defeated the 3rd hokage. How will you defeat him??
Sakura and Tazuna: w- wait... W- what? He defeated t- the hokage?!? 
Kakashi: well... Yea.... Sakura! Guard Tazuna!
Sakura: hai!!
She said and guarded him.   Sasuke pushed haku towards Zabuza's feet.
Zabuza starts laughing and says.
Zabuza: well... It's unfortunate... Haku... You know what that means?
Haku: yea... He does a handsign and a number of mirrors made of ice starts appearing around Sasuke. I get worried. As I was about to go through the mirrors. Zabuza came and stopped me.
Zabuza: Ara.. you. Fight. Me. You don't want your dark sama identity revealed infront of your weak friends. Right??
Y/n: Tch. As if I'll let you. Kakashi. Take Sakura and Tazuna to a safer place. Then go to Sasuke and help him. You can take care of a kid. Can't you? 
Kakashi: h- hai Taichou!
He took them to somewhere they couldn't see me.
I take my anbu mask and wear it.
Y/n: let the fight begin.
Zabuza covered the area with a lot more mist. He then dissapeared. I closed my eyes and activated my sensory vision. Front? No. Left? No. Right? No. Back? No. Then the only place he could be is.... Down. I hit the ground makin got crack revealing Zabuza. The fight went on with me winning. I was about to charge a rasengan at him until I sensed Haku's chakra coming closer. I quickly deactivated my rasengan saving haku.
Haku: Y- Y/n san... why....
I smile a bit and look up at Zabuza. Look behind you. Gato, he came with his
"gang". Are you still gonna fight me Zabuza San?
Zabuza's eye widened. He shooked his head.
Y/n: Very well then. Shall we fight them together then?
Zabuza: sure.
He said smirking.
We took all of them down. I left Gato specially for haku and Zabuza San.
" Y/n Kun!!!!"
I heard Sakura screaming from distance. I quickly took off my mask and hid it.
I shushined towards her to find sasuke laying there near to his death. I remove all of the needles that struck him. He began breathing again. I healed him. He slowly started waking up.
Sasuke: y- y/n??? Are you ok??? Is N- Naruto ok?
I chuckle.
Y/n: yes I'm ok and naru's also ok. Now are you ok??
Sasuke: h- hai...
He tried standing up but failed.
I took him bridal style. He said nothing but buried his head on my chest.
Kakashi: since... Gato is dead... There is no need for us to continue the fight. We are going back to leaf village after this bridge is done and haku and Zabuza will stay here with them.
Zabuza: Arigato da- I mean Y/n san...
That was a close one.
Y/n: hai. No problem. Haku... Your not a weapon anymore.
Zabuza: thats right. Now your my bestfriend.
Haku just blushes and nods.
Zabuza: Y/n san... I'm sorry... I lost... Yet... Again..
It's been a few days and since we helped to build the bridge, it was done quick. It was time to leave Inari and Naruto were staring at eachother trying not to cry.  I and Sasuke look at eachother and sigh.
Kakashi: Maaa... I guess its time for us to leave. 
I scoot infront of Inari wiping his tears and said.
Y/n: Inari,get stronger.


Well I guess this is how thus chapter ends. Thank you to the people who are supporting me. Please do the same in the future. Until next time, bye reader Chan/San!!!

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