Flashback ( The massacre of Yoshihara clan)

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Author pov:

Y/n was 8 years at that time. For his age he was extremely intelligent and powerful. He was usually cold to others. His mom. His mom was the only one who saw his genuine happy self. But will that last long? His mom was his everything after his dad died sealing the eleven tails in him. The eleven tailed beast which was inside him was his only best friend. ( Yes my imagination he ain't like Kurama he is very friendly. Lol.) He always listened to u. You decided to name him Kojin ( or any other name u like). As everyone knows all the Jinchuriki's are treated the same. So were u. Thus u became very cold.

Y/n pov ( the day of the massacre)

I was back from training with Kojin( tailed beast). I decided to bring a flower for mom since I always wanted her to be happy. I ran through the corridors to my mom's and "dad's" room. I suddenly heard my mom scream. I wanted to get in the room and check on her. But i thought that would be foolish. So I hid my chakra and hid near the room. A while later, I saw my step dad get out of the room, blood in his hands, maniacally laughing. Once he was gone from there, i slowly went out of the hiding place still hiding my chakra. I went to my mom's room..... Just to see her....... H- her laying on the floor close to death. I ran towards her crying
Y/n mom: Y- y/n.... D-don't st-ay here a-any longer-.... *Coughing blood* R-run.. R-run for your life- s-stay away fr- om that m-monster, y- your step f-father-

Y/n: m-mom? Mom?!?! MOM!!!!
Y/n mom: I- i l- love y- ou!
She died saying that to me. Right in my lap. I cried and I cried. I heard some footsteps coming. I decided to hide. I hid in the closet but due this i was completely traumatized and forgot to hide my chakra. I noticed it when my step dad started talking.
Step dad: Y/n~~~~ i know ur there in the closet~ come out~~~
He suddenly pulled me from there and kicked me to the ground. I was already weak from crying i couldn't do anything. He kicked, slapped, beat me a lot until i was completely bleeding and was very weak. I decided to teleport away from my dad. I teleported to some random place and i ran and i ran. Until i made it to another village. By the time i reached there it was already morning. I made it to the village gate and then i collapsed.

Kakashi pov:

I was walking around the village reading my icha icha paradise since I had no other job to do. When i made it to the village gate when I saw a boy laying all bloody looking like he was about to die. I went near him picked him up and ran to the Konoha hospital. Once he was all cleaned and treated they called me in.
I saw him. He had a very lean figure. Almost pale looking very weak. I decided to tell the hokage about this. He told me that he was coming to meet this boy. The hokage told the doctors to see his past. ( I forgot what it was called so forgive me?)
He and I was shocked to know that this kid was also a Jinchuriki. That too the Eleven tails! I thought there were only nine. But here we have a Eleven tails?! We got to know that his name is Yoshihara Y/n. Just like Uchiha Sasuke he was also now the last member of his clan. His step father killed his whole clan and belated him to almost death.
Author's pov:

A few days passed and u finally woke up.
You saw that there was a white haired man who was sitting next to u reading a book. U asked wearily.
Y/n : w-where am I? W-where is m-my mom???
Kakashi looked up from his book. And answered
Kakashi: oh no need to be afraid. You were laying all bloody infront of our village so I took u to the hospital. Your in Konoha. And your mom.... Well... She's dead.
Y/n : Oh... Right.. * you said tearing up*
Kakashi : hey... Don't cry... It's alr.. things.. well... It happens... Is it ok if I give u a hug?
You nod ur head. He gets up from his seat and gently lift u up and gives u a hug. You hug him tight and silently cried on his shoulder. He didn't knew u were crying until he felt wetness in his shoulders and ur soft sobs.
Kakashi : H-hey...... It's alr...
Y/ n : n- no... It's not alr... s- she was the only o-one who understood m- me.. a-and now? I- i have no one. I- i' m all a- alone.
Kakashi: who said ur alone? You have me the hokage and the villagers here.
Y/n : n-no... You all w-will hate me just like m-my clan hated me...
Kakashi: and why is that so?
Y/n : I... Am a monster.... A Jinchuriki. Nobody will like me h-here too...
Kakashi: i know ur a Jinchuriki. Still I'm here for u right? Hugging u. Comforting u. Hmmm?
Y/n : u knew? S- so u won't leave me r-right?
Kakashi: no. I won't leave u... Why would I?
Y/n: thank you... Um...
Kakashi: it's Kakashi.
Y/n : Thank you Kakashi San... * U said again hugging him*
Kakashi: now.. we have to go meet the hokage.
Y/n : hm....
Kakashi: *chuckles* u don't wanna get off me?
Y/n : no.
Kakashi: come on. Once ur dressed I'll carry u till the hokage's office like this.
Y/n : you will?? Ok then!!!
( U get dressed. You wore a black sleeveless turtle necked shirt and grey shorts with a black weapon pouch on ur right thigh and ninja shoes.)
Just as he promised he carried u in his arms till the hokage's office.
Y/n pov:
Just as Kakashi San promised, he carried me till the hokage's office. We got into the office the hokage told that his name was Hiruzen Sarutobi. I decided to call him Hiruzen Grandfather ( Hiruzen ojichan). He told me he and Kakashi would help me train. And I agreed. But before that he told me I had to fight Kakashi San inorder to know how powerful I am. I was a bit hesitant but then i agreed since I could heal him if anything happened.
Author pov :
The fight started u learnt that Kakashi is the famous copy ninja. You also had visual powers. It was knows as shiroga ( imagine). Shiroga's speciality was that it can't be copied even by the sharingan. It can also copy Any Jutsu. He activated his sharingan and u activated ur Shiroga. You started with ur own self made Jutsu.
Y/n : Earth Style: rock spring Jutsu!
You did the handsign. Kakashi ofc tried to copy but he couldn't. Suddenly rocks started to attack Kakashi. He dodged most of them. But some of them hit him. Kakashi did chidori. U copied his Jutsu and u added a lot more chakra making ur chidori stronger. U both clashed. His hand completely burned while urs just scratched a bit. You pushed him to the floor and teleported behind him with ur kunai placed at his neck.
Y/n : Kakashi San... You.... Lose...
U said deactivating ur Shiroga.
The hokage was very impressed.
Hiruzen: well looks like Y/n wins.
Kakashi : why didn't u kill me?
Y/n : i could sense u holding back something. So I also held back. Now give me your hand.
You began healing him while he just watched u shocked.
Kakshi : y- your just 8 years old... How do u know-
Y/n : my mother taught me to heal others and myself when i was three. So I do have experience.
After you were done healing, Hiruzen spoke up.
Hiruzen: Y/n.. i want you to fight me.
Y/n : b-but ojichan.... Why...
Hiruzen: i know Kakashi was holding back but still u too were holding back. Now I want to test your real power. I'm not gonna go easy on u like Kakashi did.
Y/n : hm? Ok.
Hiruzen did the first move shuriken shadow clone technique.
You dodged them and activated ur Shiroga once more and you did another Jutsu which was also made by you.
Y/n : water style: tsunami!
Hiruzen: Earth Release: Earth Style wall!!
Y/n : Water style: Tsunami X5!
U broke his earth wall and when the water hit him almost be used his Shadow clone technique and escaped. U looked around up right left behind he was not there u then understood he must be underground. You did another Jutsu.
Y/n : Earth Style: Mud Dragon Jutsu!!!!
A dragon made of mud hit the ground and broke it revealing Hiruzen. You quickly did the handsign and did a fire style Jutsu.
You trapped him in the fire cage and compressed it burning him a bit. U locked up both his hands so he couldn't do any Jutsu. U said to him.
Y/n : Ojichan.... Do u give up?
Hiruzen: Not so quickly! Fire Release : Fire dragon flame bullet!!!.
A dragon made of fire shoots fire bullets at u some of them hits u and u Dodge the others. Kakshi was standing there shocked seeing all this.
Y/n : Heal: Self healing Jutsu ....
U healed urself and did another set of handsign. You screamed.
Y/n : Fire Style: Lava river Jutsu!
U jump up to the tree and lava flows till the trap hiruzen's feet. You stop the flow of lava with the help of a water Jutsu.
Y/n : water style: water wall justu! Water wall covers Hiruzen and you. The lava stops and u release Hiruzen and take him near Kakashi. He was all burned badly beaten. You heal him completely. Kakashi and Hiruzen were shocked af.
Y/n : you held back right Ojichan?
Hiruzen: *laughs* well kinda... But oh well I am very impressed with ur talent. If u train with me and kakashi, u could be the strongest person alive. Kakashi could teach u his own made Jutsu and I will also teach mine.
Y/n : oh ok! But... Can I stay here in this Konoha???
Hiruzen: ofc you can! If u want u can have an apartment of yourself or stay with kakashi. Why kakashi are u ok with him staying with u?
Kakashi : ofc. Why not?
Y/n : yea! I'll stay with Kakashi San. Ojichan I've completely healed u. Now your ok right?
Hiruzen: oh yes now I'm fine.
Y/n : Hiruzen ojichan.... I promise you that I will protect this village with my life!
Hiruzen : Since you are very strong, would you like to be a shinobi here.
Y/n : yes!! Btw... I've read a lot about this place. There are many ranks such as genine chunin jonnin anbu. So... Do u think I can take the anbu test at this age????
Hiruzen was shocked.
Hiruzen: you are pretty young right now. But.. if you pass both the written and physical test for becoming an anbu, you can. And further more, if you show an extreme fast progress you can become the anbu commander too. But remember. Once you become an anbu, you will have a code name which you can tell nobody except for your comrades. That too only if you trust them. Infact here, Kakashi is also a former anbu. You can't tell any other people about you being anbu.
Kakashi: but... Won't he lose his childhood?? I mean... Seeing blood in his hands in such a small age doesn't seems to be so good.
Y/n: Kakashi san.. I don't think I would be able to live like the other kids anymore. So why not...
You took the test and ofc you passed. Now you were a member of the anbu.
You met weasel, Dog, Cat, Dolphin and many more.
You came to know that weasel was Uchiha Itachi. Dog was Kakashi. Cat was Anko and Dolphin was iruka.
As 1 year passed by, Itachi, the present commander requested the hokage to make you the commander. The hokage understood why he proposed such an idea. You were now extremely professional. Cold blooded, emotionless and extremely talented. He agreed on making you the anbu commander. You were now known as the anbu commander Dark. Everyone respected you and the enemies feared you. Ofc, only when your mask was on.
After some days the hokage called you.
Hiruzen: Y/n. I want to give you a mission.
Dark( Y/n) : Hai hokage sama.
Hiruzen: omg Y/n. Remove the mask and cut the hokage sama!
Dark: gomenasai.
Hiruzen: aish. Leave it. So, I want you to look after two people. Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto. Those two are gonna graduate to the academy. They are your same age. Maybe a bit younger than you.
Uchiha Sasuke because he may get attacked due to his Sharingan. And Uzumaki Naruto because he is the nine tail's Jinchuriki. ( Yes, you are now 10 and they are 8 - 9. Ik that's weird but it's a fanfic. Anything can happen.)
Y/n: w- what? Um... Fine..
Hiruzen: you ate Y/n?
Y/n: um.... Hahaha... no?
Hiruzen: what?! When was the last time you ate?
Y/n: um.... Idk... Maybe a week or so ago??
Hiruzen: ahhhh what are you doing!?!! Go eat! U may be the anbu commander but your still a kid!!!
Y/n: I know Ojichan... I will later. I still have some forms to complete which are due today 12pm. After that I'll eat.
Hiruzen: I'm the hokage! The due is changed to tomorrow 12pm. Now go and eat!! Or I'll tell Ibiki to torture you!!
Y/n: Ojichan- U know idc... I'll eat. Ok?
Hiruzen grinned in victory. You went through the window breaking it for the 10th time this week.
You laugh secretly and put on your mask again. You entered the Ichiraku.
Y/n: Ohayo Tèuchi. Can you get me a miso ramen?
Tèuchi: m- my my! Dark sama! Ayame!!! One special miso ramen for Dark sama!!!
Ayame: ara!!! Dark sama!! Please wait! We'll be right back.
Y/n: Ayame san, you don't know me??? I'm Y/n... Don't tell this to anyone please...
You whisper the last part.
Ayame: Ara!!!!! Y/n kun.... How....
Teuchi: y- Y/n???
You remove half of your mask for them to see your face.
Teuchi: h- Hai! Coming right up!
You ate your ramen and went back home. You did the forms and submitted it before 12.
Y/n: now I'll have to go to the academy... What a drag.... It's gonna be so boring....

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