Team 7 ( Teamwork)

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Author pov

You woke up at 4am. You wore your anbu attire and went on to train.
You ran 100 laps around the forest of death. Some warm up and then began working on new jutsu and mastering the jutsus you know. You trained till 8am. Then went back home to go for the academy.  As you reached there a lot of peop began screaming and drooling over you. You signed a thought.
Y/n: ' kids these days... All they care about is relationship and love life. They should be thinking about being splendid Shinobis...'
You sat there at the last near the window.  Soon Sakura and Into came and started blabbering. Then came Naruto and Sasuke. They sat near you. Soon Iruka came and said.
Iruka: ok. Today we will be picking three man squads. But. Due to some imbalance in the strength  of the class, there will be a team with four in it. So the first team is. ....
It went on. You didn't pay attention to it.
And the seventh team is Uzumaki Naruto!
Naruto: Hai!!!
Iruka: Haruno Sakura
Sakura: h- hai.
She looked very disappointed.
Iruka: Uchiha Sasuke!
Sasuke: .....
Sakura: yes!
Iruka: and Yoshihara Y- Y/n..
Y/n: hn...
Sakura: YES!!!!!
Iruka: Sakura calm down!
Sakura: H- Hai...
And then it went on.
It was time for the sensei's to come and pick the respected teams.
All of the teams went one by one.
Naruto: ehhhh... Our sensei is very late!!!!! Hehehe. I have an idea!
He places the duster over the door as a trap. 'Tch.. he's gonna fall for that??' You thought.
As he came in you shushined towards the door preventing the duster from falling on top of his head.
Y/n: Kakashi. Your late.
Kakashi nervously laughed and answered
Kakashi: well.... Hehe... Gomenasai...
All the others were shocked.
Naruto: Y/n... Say say... You know him?
Y/n : yes * you said coldly*
Kakashi: well as of your first impression.... Except for y/n.... I think..... You all are.... A bunch of idiots.
The three of them looked defeated.
Kakashi: now.. i want you three to meet us at the rooftop. Wait. Y/n.. would you like to come with me or them? Your choice.
Y/n : I guess I'll just come with you.
You said and both of you shushined away.
Y/n: why were U late?
Kakashi: G- Gomenasai Taichou... I met an old lady who was asking me out...
Y/n: now we both know that's not true.
Kakashi: G- Gomenasai...
He said as he bowed.
Y/n: it's ok. Now stand straight. They are coming.
Kakashi: h- Hai Taichou!
Sasuke sat at the top most step, Naruto sat next to Sakura who was in the lowest step while you just stood there with your hands crossed across your chest on the top most step. Kakashi then spoke up.
Kakashi: well now you all can introduce yourself.
Sakura: sensei, can you introduce yourself first so that we can get an idea how to do it?
Kakashi: hm.... Well... My name is Hatake Kakashi... My hobby? I have a lot of hobbies which i don't want you to know. My goal? Hmmm... I haven't thought about that yet... My dislikes... I have a lot of them... My likes... I don't feel like telling that to you.
Sakura and Naruto looked at each other weirdly while you and sasuke looked at each other with cold and awkward look.
Sakura: so technically we got to know your name-
Kakashi: well that doesn't matter. Now u introduce yourself. Let's start with the blondie.
Naruto: My name is Uzumaki Naruto! I like Ramen! My hobby is to compare between types of ramen. What i dislike is the 3 minutes wait to make instant ramen and my future goal is to be me the hokage! Dattebayo!!!
Kakashi: The hokage huh? Well ok. Now the pinky.
Sakura: I'm Haruno Sakura. The person i like *looks at Y/n* i mean the thing i like... My future goal *looks at sasuke and y/n* ahhh!!!
Kakashi thoughts: So this is what girls at their age think huh?
Ok anyway! Now the raven head.
Sasuke: I'm Uchiha Sasuke. I have a lot of dislikes especially a person. I don't personally like anyone or anything except for y/n and my future goal is to kill this somone.
Kakashi: ok now y-y/n... Would you like to introduce yourself to them?
Y/n: hai. I'm Yoshihara Y/n. I don't have many dislikes. I don't have any other hobby exept for training and some other things which you need not know. I don't like anything in particular other than some people who were and still are precious to me. My future goal is also to avenge for my clan and to protect the ones I love.
You said coldly.
Kakashi: well u guys sure are interesting.... Well then we'll meet tmr here at 5:00 am. I suggest you to not eat breakfast. Cause either way you'll throw up.
Sakura: t- throw up?
Naruto: then it's sure gonna be tough...
Kakashi: ok then, we' ll meet tmr. Y/n come on.
Naruto: wait... Y/n stays with you Kakashi sensei???
Kakashi: no, but he lives near me. now let's go y/n. ( yes you moved to the next door since you didn't wanted to disturb Kakashi.)
Y/n: hai.
When you guys reached home you asked Kakashi sensei.
Y/n: Kakashi? What are you planning for tmr??? Is it the bell test?
Kakashi: h- Hai Taichou. D- Do we have any kind of mission tomorrow?
Y/n: no. Not for you. It's just for me.
Kakashi: oh ok. Good night Taichou.
Y/n: good night to you too Kakashi.
You woke up around 4 and decided to train for a while. After that You walked towards the place. You were the first one. You leaned on the tree next to you and waited for others. After a while Sakura came.
Sakura: Ohayo Y/n-Kun!!
Y/n: Ohayo.
You said in a deep and cold tone making her blush.
Sakura: H- how long have you been waiting here y/n - Kun?
Y/n: For a while i suppose..
You said in the same tone making her as red as tomato and go silent. For a while there was silence. After a while Sasuke walked up. Sakura greeted him too.
Sakura: Ohayo Sasuke Kun!
Sasuke didn't answer and ignored her.
He asked
Sasuke: How long have both of you waiting here y/n?
Y/n : For quite some time now i suppose.
You said in the same tone as earlier this time making Sakura almost faint and sasuke slightly blush( i don't think I will ship them until u guys say so) .
After just some minutes Naruto also arrived.
Sakura: Naruto!!! Can you lower your voice a bit?!?! Your so loud!!!
Naruto: hehe sorry Sakura Chan .. oh! Ohayo Y/n! And... Sasuke...
When he said sasuke he looked kinda annoyed. You just nodded your head in return. It was past 6 and there was no sign of Kakashi sensei. While you and sasuke stood there alert Sakura and Naruto were sitting down almost sleeping. Time passed it was almost noon. Sakura and Naruto were already asleep while you and sasuke stood leaning to the tree still alert. After a few minutes, you sensed Kakashi's chakra. You spoke in a cold and annoyed tone.
Y/n : i knew you were gonna be late but I didn't exept this much kakashi... You are pretty late.
When you spoke up Naruto and Sakura woke up while Sasuke just looked around. Nobody could make out where he was since your eyes were closed. You opened your eyes and looked at a particular direction where everyone saw Kakashi walk out of.
Kakashi: Ma~~~ Gomen~~( sorry) i got lost in the path of life...
He said setting some timer.
Kakashi: well... I have set a timer till noon.
He said taking out 3 bells.
Kakashi: i want you to take these bells from my hands. But for that, you have to come at me in the intention of killing me.
Everyone except for you and sasuke were shocked.
Sakura: b - but... Isn't that gonna hurt you???
Kakashi: we will have to see about that.
Naruto took out his kunai knife and ran at Kakashi sensei. Kakashi sensei held him by placing his own hand holding kunai at his neck.
Kakashi: relax.. i haven't even started yet. But still you came at me in the intention of killing me. Very well. I think I'm starting to like you three a bit. Anyway... Now start!
The moment he told start you held Sakura's one hand with your left hand and both Naruto's and Sasuke's each hands in your right and ran to the forest. By the time you turned around Sakura was a blushing mess while Naruto and sasuke had slight pink tint on their cheeks. You ignored that and started talking.
Y/n: Guys... This is a test to check our Teamwork. You all know that you won't be able to defeat him by yourself. So we have to Teamwork. I've got a plan but before that, you guys have smt on your mind?
Sasuke: i do. Naruto. I suppose you can make some clones?
Naruto: hey! Ofc i can.
Sasuke: that's a relief, so you make some clones to distract Kakashi sensei.
Sakura: oh! Then I can also make some clones and send it to Kakashi sensei and attack him with kunai knife!!!
Sasuke: k i will also make some clones and do the same. Y/n will you do the same?
Y/n: no. You guys have to bring him to the middle of the ground still keeping him distracted. I will make my transparent lightning prison cage and wait there.
Sasuke: wait. What Jutsu is that?
Y/n : don't bother about that. It's my own jutsu. Once someone gets in that nobody can get in or out other than the person who created it.
Sasuke: y- you make your own jutsus?
Y/n: yes. Now, let's start our plan.
Sakura Naruto sasuke: Yosh! ( On it)
They did as told they brought him till the prison but he flew away. Knowing now the others won't get a hold of him you told them.
Y/n : ok guys, you all will come with me. Right when i fight him and keep a hold on him, sasuke, you will come take three of the bells. You three can take the bells.
Sasuke: so you?
Y/n : don't bother.
Naruto: but-
Y/n: ikiso! ( Let's go)
You four went behind him. Once he stopped the other three stayed behind you. You both had a hand to hand kunai battle. You missed and received one strike from him. Or at least you acted as you missed. You fell down and back flipped away.
Sakura: Y/n Kun!!!
You smirked. Kakashi got confused.
Y/n thought: Lightning style: thunder bolt prison.
You already did the handsign with one of your hand and one of his hand without him noticing while the combat was going on. Suddenly thunderbolts appear and surround Kakashi. You get up snatch the bells from him and give three of them each.
Y/n: kai! ( Release)
You Release Kakashi sensei and he says.
Kakashi: well done y- y/n.. I knew you would figure out this was a test of teamwork. You guys did a great job except for you Naruto. You need to work more. While Sasuke and Sakura were fighting you were trying to sneak up to eat.
Naruto: gomen....
Kakashi ties Naruto to a tree and says
Kakashi: you guys can eat now. No matter however he asks don't give food to Naruto. If someone breaks the rule, you have to stay as a genin forever!!!
As Kakashi sensei disappeared you three started eating. You guys were interrupted by Naruto's hungry stomach. You sighed and said.
Y/n: look, don't say anything anymore just eat up.
You point the chopstick with food infront of Naruto's mouth.
Sakura: b- but Y/n Kun...
Y/n : if he doesn't eat what kind of team is ours? Our team already lacks teamwork because of him, so it's our responsibility as his comrade to teach him teamwork.
Sasuke: Well i agree with him, Naruto, i and Y/n will give our food to you.
Naruto blushes a bit and eats the food you were holding. After that he takes the one in sasuke's. Seeing this Sakura spoke up.
Sakura: don't think anything else but here.
She points her chopstick to his mouth and he ate it. Our of nowhere Kakashi appears and says
Naruto: b- b- but b- b- but!
Sasuke: but we are a team.
Sakura: y- yes we are one!!
Y/n: look, i was the one who suggested and forced them to do this. So if anything happens, it's my responsibility.
Kakashi smiles under his mask and says
Kakashi: great job u three! You all pass!!!
Naruto: h- huh?
Kakashi: yes! You pass!!! It was just a test on your teamwork!
Sakura: w- what?
Kakashi: " Those who break the rules are scum. But those who abandon their own friends are worst than scum."
Naruto: YAYY!! WE PASS!!!!
Kakashi: Now then today's training session is over. You guys are dismissed! Y/n let's go!!
You say nothing but untie Naruto and was about to silently walk away. But before you could go, you felt a hug from behind. You turn around to see Naruto hugging you. You were shocked but then hug back.
Naruto: t- thank you Y/n...
He says blushing. Then Sakura asks shyly.
Sakura: c-can i also join the hug?
You just nodded and Sakura happily joined the hug while Sasuke just silently joined the hug being a complete blushing mess. You and Kakashi looked at each other.
Y/n:  Why don't you join?
Kakashi was shocked but then slightly blush and joined the hug. He hugged you from behind in a way that he engulfed the the four of you into his hug the four giggled while you just had a slight side smile plastered on your face.
Y/n thoughts: I will protect you all even if it costs my life.

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