The Academy and Team 7

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Author pov:
It was a normal day. you woke up, got dressed and ran for the Academy. You were sitting at the last row looking out the window. Until Sakura Ino and some girls began talking.
Sakura: Y/n - Kun!!! Ohayo!!!( Good morning)
Ino: No Y/n - Kun! Don't talk to the forehead!
Sakura: Y/n - Kun will talk to me not you pig!!!
Ino: How dare you call me pig?!?
Sakura: oh? How dare YOU call me forehead?!
There we go, as always they started blabbering and u ignoring them.
They all got silent when iruka sensei came in the class.
Iruka: ok class!!! Calm down and everyone go back to your seats!!
Sasuke came and sat with you while the girls sat there here and there around you drooling over you.
Iruka: So, today you guys will be doing a hand to hand combat and who ever i call will come here and start fighting when i say- wait.... Where is Naruto?
Just when he said that Naruto came in through the window.
Naruto: here!!!
Iruka: Naruto!!! Your late!!!
Naruto ignored him and came sat with u.
As Iruka sensei called each children, u didn't pay attention until your turn came.
Iruka: ok great job Hinata! Now... Y-Yoshihara Y- Y/n and.... Uchiha Sasuke!
Iruka talked to you through the head link: Gomenasai Taichou!!.
You nod your head.
All the girls started gossiping and screaming but you both ignored all of them and silently got up and went towards where iruka was.
Iruka: And! Start!
Sasuke came running at you with the kunai knife but you stopped him with your own kunai and the fight went on.
You suddenly smirked and grabbed his hands and dragged him to the floor. Now he was laying there on his back. You teleported on top of him with you kunai knife pointed towards his eyes.
Iruka wasn't even shocked anymore. he finally told
Iruka: and Y- y/n wins!
All the girls began to scream while you just put your kunai back into the pouch and helped sasuke get up. You both did the union sign and went back to your seats. A few days later, it was the time when u get the ninja head bands.
Iruka: Naruto! This is your third and last warning! If u don't clear this time, You will remain as a genin forever!!!!
Naruto: a- as if i care!
You sigh knowing he is hiding his sadness.
Iruka: ok! Y- Yoshihara Y/n!
You went there silently.
Iruka: Taichou, all you have to do is make some shadow clones and score at the shuriken and kunai throwing one.
Y/n : hai( yes)
You said coldly. You just did the handsigns and many shadow clones of you popped up. Scored full on the shuriken and kunai throwing one and also did a chidori since everything was too easy.
Iruka thoughts: as expected from an anbu commander.
Iruka: Taichou... Here you go.
He said handing you the headband.
You just took it from his hands.
Y/n: oh and. Iruka, we will have a mission today evening. Be there.
Iruka: h- hai.
You walked back silently to your seat.
Ino: i knew you could do it y/n- Kun!! See see! I also got mine! How is it??? Does it suit me??
You just nodded while she looked like she was about to faint.
Ino: y/n- Kun told me that this headband suits me!!! Oi forehead!!! See that?!
Sakura just hmped.
As the academy was done, you went to the forest as you had a mission to be done. Taking a confidential scroll from the land of fire and transporting it to the konoha. You had Dolphin and Weasel coming with you. ( Iruka and Itachi)

Y/n pov

I walked towards the forest and sat on the shade thinking of a strategy.

Kakashi: Ara. Dark Taichou.
I answered.
Y/n : Kakashi. Hai. I would like you to come along with me to the land of fire along with weasel and Dolphin.
Kakashi: Hai Taichou. I'll just wear my anbu uniform and come back.
He shushined away. As I was waiting, Kojìn spoke up.
Kojìn: Oi Y/n. Before you start thinking of a strategy, did you notify the hokage about you taking your other comrades with you?
Y/n: Well no... I thought of informing him after the members arrive.
Kojìn: ok then if you say so..

Author pov:

As you were waiting, Itachi arrived then Iruka and then Kakashi.
Dark( Y/n) : You guys start going. We have to reach there by today night or if possible before that. We will rest and TMR morning we will do what we were assigned to. I'll inform the hokage about the members I'm taking with me and come back. We'll discuss the strategy on the way through our mind link. Saying this you shushined to the hokage's office just to find him reading.... The Icha Icha Paradise. 'Wow. Great.Jiraiya sensei has done smt for sure in that book' You thought.
You cleared your throat loudly to bring him back from his perverted thoughts.
Hiruzen: ahhaa hhaaaa Y- Y/n... Y- Yes??
Dark: Hokage sama. I'm going for the mission you gave me. I'm taking Dolphin, Weasel and Hound( dog) with me. Therefore Iruka and Kakashi won't be there tmr. I myself will also be not available tmr at the academy. Now if you excuse me.
Hiruzen: Hai Hai. I will assign Shisui to look after the other two. You can go now. Be safe.
Dark: Hai hokage sama.
You shushined back with your members. And started discussing the plan.
It was night time and you guys reached the border of the land of fire.
Dark: great. Since we r here I think we can rest for now. We'll continue with the said plan tmr. You guys can go to sleep I'll be on guard for the night.
Weasel: Are you sure you'll be ok Taichou? I mean, you looked like you haven't slept in days.
Dark: Hai. I'll be alr. You can go and sleep.
Weasel Dolphin Hound: Hai...
They went inside there tents and you sat there on a branch and went to your mindscape.
Y/n: Oi Kojìn.
Kojìn: your on guard today too? Don't you sleep??
Y/n: you know I don't need to.
Kojìn: but.. aish. Your too stubborn for me. Well ig.. I would suggest you to activate a barrier around your comrades.
Y/n: Hm. I'll take that.
You activate a barrier around them.
Y/n: and done.
Kojìn: so what new jutsu are you planning to create??
Y/n: idk... I'm just trying to find out more strategies if possible.
As you were talking with him, someone shook you. You came out of Ur mindscape to see a worried Itachi.
Itachi: Taichou... Are you ok?? You've been zoning out for a while now...
Y/n: ah Gomen Itachi. I was just thinking... If there were more strategies for the mission...
Itachi: oh. I think the one you told is the best one.
Y/n: Hm... I don't want to risk the lives of my comrades... If there could be any better plan-
Itachi: Y/n kun... That's enough... Please go and rest... You are still a kid even if you are out Taichou...
Y/n: eiye..( no) I'm alr. You go and sleep.
Itachi: I'm not sleepy anymore..
Y/n: ok. You can stay with me then.
Itachi: if you don't mind... Can I ask you smt personal??
You nodded.
Itachi: what made you join the anbu? And how come that in such a young age your so professional??
You sigh.
Y/n: well. Promise me you won't tell this to anyone else.
He nods.
You continue.
Y/n: I... I.. am a monster.. I'm a Jinchuriki. The holder of the eleven tails. I... Saw my mother's and father's death. I got beaten up by the villagers and my step dad. But then.. I still befriended Kojìn. Um.. I knew them I couldn't be like a normal child anymore. I was pretty good at hiding my emotions too. And as you know I'm very cold. So.. I asked the hokage whether I could join the anbu. He agreed. So here I am. Um.. I understand if you don't want to be near me any-
He cuts U off by kissing your cheek. You looked at him shocked.
Itachi: Y/n kun... You shouldn't say that...
You look down at your hands to see him hold it. He places your hand on his chest were his heart was. He says.
Itachi: I swear on my heartbeats. That I would never leave you.
( AHHHHHH!!! Fjxjskdhbcm! This is adorable.)
The rest of the mission went by smoothly and you were back in the village. As you walked through the village everyone were bowing or wishing you. Some girls were squealing like crazy. You shushined to the hokage and told him the progress. As you walked from the office, on the halls all the other anbu and staff were also bowing. You made it to your home, changed and slept.


AHHHHHH!!! I was planning on making Itachi kiss Y/n on his lips. But then I thought I'll ship them once you ask for it.
But this is the end of the chapter. See you!! Stay safe! Until next time! Bye reader Chan/ san!!!

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