"I love you, Lev."

Surprised, he managed a smile. Approaching me, he wrapped his arm around my neck, pulling me in a small hug. "I love you too, dumbass."

I shot him a glare, but he only grinned lazily, momentarily breaking the heavy atmosphere.

The atmosphere grew tense again as we spotted Bella, attempting to go incognito in a black tracksuit and cap.

The tide had turned, and everyone had sided with me, making her the most hated person in Roger M. High School. Our eyes locked with hers, widening before she averted her gaze. A boy approached her and spanked her ass without eliciting a reaction from her.

Mixed feelings surged within me—part of me felt sympathy for what she was going through, while the other believed she deserved every bit of it.

"Fuck this bitch." Levi scoffed, distancing himself from his locker, and I followed suit.

We talked until the bell rang, promising to meet at lunch before going our separate ways. The lingering tension followed us down the hallways of our school.


Class was winding down, but our biology teacher decided to throw us a last-minute task, emphasizing its importance for our final grades. It was a partner task, and I couldn't help but wish Dommy was here. My attempts to reach her had gone unanswered.

"I paired you up based on recent grades. The weaker students are teamed with the stronger ones to give everyone a chance to succeed. Work hard, and I expect perfection. If you don't like your partner, I don't care—I'm not changing anything," Mr. Newton declared, handing out papers with questions and our partner's name in the corner.

Glancing at my paper, I found myself paired with—Oh my fucking days!

I got fucking Xavi.

Glancing up from my paper, I caught Xavi staring at me, his mouth slightly agape. In a class of about 23 people, Mr. Newton managed to pair me with my ex. The irony wasn't lost on me.

The bell rang, and I swiftly gathered my books and notes, stuffing them into my messy backpack. When I looked up, Xavi was standing in front of me.

"What?" I asked, genuinely confused.

He scanned the remaining few people in the class, making eye contact with them, and they all left. I rolled my eyes at his antics. "Since we have to work together, I was thinking that maybe you could come to my house later? I would've come to yours, but I don't want to start a fight with your brothers," he explained nervously.


I scoffed, standing up. "Hell no. You do half of the task, and I'll do the other half. On the deadline, we'll combine them, and that's it. No need for us to get together," I declared.

He frowned, shaking his head. "I need your help. How will I know if I'm doing good work without it?" He asked, growing impatient with my lack of enthusiasm.

"Ask ChatGPT, I don't know," I retorted, making my way out towards the cafeteria.


Entering the crowded cafeteria, I scanned the area and found Levi and Cameron, but Mason was nowhere to be seen. Approaching them, I gave both a small smile. "Aren't you gonna eat anything?" I asked, pointing at Levi's empty tray. "I got a chewing gum and some water," he shrugged.

Ignoring his unhelpful response, I handed him one of my sandwiches—Levi never said no to shared food. "Where's Mason?"

"He's dead," Cameron replied.

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