Chapter 17

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As expected, it was silent.

So silent that if you listened closely, you could hear the waves as we drove by Santa Monica. It was already quite dark outside, and I observed the moon taking the place of the sun, standing high in the night sky. Its gentle glow bathed my skin in a soft radiance.

"How was your day?" Levi asked, attempting to break the silence. "Good, yours?"

"It was okay, I guess." He replied.

"Mom said I had to bring your meds. You forgot to take them before going to school," Levi said, handing me the insidious killers. I had been insisting for a while that they were poisonous, but nobody seemed to be listening.

"I already told you they're slowly killing me," I protested. Levi sighed and pulled over. "Ray, you gotta take them. If you don't your symptoms will amplify and it might get worse." Levi tries but I frantically refused.

"The reason it's getting worse is because they're fucking up my organism." I retorted, determined not to take them. "What do you think they're doing to you?"

"Every time I take them, I have to throw up right after." I explained and Levi nodded, thinking. "If you take them, they'll help with the voices you hate so much, don't you wanna give it a try?" He suggested.

My eyes darted between the white box and his promising eyes before I gave up and grabbed the damn pills.

"If I die, it'll be your fault."

"I'll take the risk." He said, smirking.


The car finally came to a stop, which woke me up from the small nap I was taking. I sat up a little, rubbing my sleepy eyes and yawned as I stretched my arms out as far as I could.

That stretch felt heavenly as fuck.

I went to open the door but of course, it was locked. I couldn't help but think he did that on purpose so we could talk. "What?" I ask, knowing exactly where this conversation was going.

"Ray, I know I fucked up, I really do and that's why I regret it. I never wanted to hurt you and I'm sorry that I did. I know you're mad at Dominica but please, don't be. I asked her not to tell you about us." Levi started and my heart kind of dropped.

I always thought that it was Dominica who didn't want me to know because she was "scared of my reaction", but all this time it was Levi. I felt betrayed and hurt that they both had such little trust in me.

I looked away from Levi's begging eyes as mine started watering. "Raya, I'm doing everything to make it up to Dommy're my sister and you matter the most. I'll never feel the same if I know that you're not by my side."

His words warmed my heart and suddenly, all the anger and sadness I was feeling, just vanished. Levi was one of my favourite people on this planet and being mad at him, clearly wasn't doing me any good.

My eyes went back to his glossy blue ones and I smiled at him. I could tell he was surprised but happy nonetheless. "No more secrets." I stated, sticking out my pinky. He chuckled before linking his with mine and pulling me into a tight embrace.

Hearing him sniff a little and realizing how much this situation hurt him too made me understand that he loved me and genuinely cared about my well-being.

We finally pulled apart and I noticed a few tears streaming down his face. To my surprise.

I had never seen Levi crying and he was actually so cute. His nose was a little pink and so were his cheeks. I couldn't help but smile at how cute he was.

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