Chapter 6

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"I think at this point, the beach should be our hangout spot," I joked upon spotting Zyran on a bench facing the ocean.

Why I was there in the first place was a distant thought.

He turned around, and my whole body warmed at the sight of him, his usual warm smile complemented by black attire. Sitting beside him, the initial moments passed in silence before he broke it. "You seem tense. What's up?"

Sharing the Xavi story was out of the question, given my growing feelings for Zyran. I turned to him, and he did the same. "I hooked up with my ex, and I regret it," I admitted.

He swallowed the lump in his throat, looking away. "Do you still love him?" he asked quietly. "I have some affection for him, but I don't think I love him anymore."

His body relaxed a bit, and he fully turned to me. "As long as you regret it, it's fine, I guess." He said. "Those braids look perfect on you," he whispered, multiplying the butterflies in my stomach.

Proximity made it harder to speak, so I just smiled. I rested my head on his shoulder, chuckling when I felt him tense up. "You're really not tactile, are you?"

"I'm trying for you."


"Why do you always come to the beach?" I asked after a comfortable silence. "It's the only crowded place I like, and I'm always home alone, so, yeah."

"How come?"

"My parents died, and I'm an only child," he muttered. Sitting up, I met his eyes, sadness clouding his features, and my eyes welled up. "You're an orphan," I mumbled to myself.

"It's okay, though. I learned to live with it," he reassured, giving me a small smile. To avoid tearing up in his face, I laid my head back on his shoulder as we admired the sunset.

I took his hand resting on his lap and traced small circles with my fingers. His gaze shifted to our joined hands, and he let out a contented breath. "I like spending time with you," I confessed, smiling.

"I know, I'm a very fun person," he teased, and I laughed, looking up at his perfect profile. Even from the side, his jawline and eyes radiated his beauty. After a while, he caught my admiring gaze.

Blushing, he muttered, "You gotta stop looking at me like that," nervously looking away. "You're so cute when you blush," I remarked, making his eyes widen. "I don't blush."

I hummed, clearly unconvinced, and continued playing with his rings and fingers.


1 week later

September was finally over which meant that the most violent episodes were finally going to come to an end.

I smiled to myself as I laid on my bed, staring at my white ceiling. I grabbed my phone on my nightstand and checked the messages in the group chat I was in with Dominica and Bella.

Real Housewives 🫶🏾

Dommy: Bella!! Post on your
fucking story!!

Bella: What if he doesn't care?

Dommy: Then you'll know if he was
real with you or not.

I put my phone away and got up from my bed before making my way to the bathroom and doing my usual morning routine before heading to school with Levi.

As we sat in his car he took a turn. "This isn't the way to school." I said as I put my braids up in a half up half down ponytail.

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