Chapter 10

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They're behind you. They're following you. Hide before they hurt you. Run!

You're so useless. Look at you wandering the streets like a lost puppy. You're such a freak that nobody even wants you.

Focus Ray.

It was overwhelming. Between the voices and my vision becoming blurry because of the tears, I felt like I was going to die.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled over the wind.

Stab yourself unworthy bitch.

"Make it stop!" My heart began racing, and a sudden desire to be home overwhelmed me. Cursing Zyran for coaxing me out, I felt a surge of anxiety.

"Raya?" My name echoed, and I turned to the voice, only to find no one there. Hyperventilating, I felt relief wash over me as I spotted my house just a few feet away.



What is he doing here? I thought.

Calming down a bit, I rushed into Xavi's arms, wrapping mine around his waist. "Hey, look at me," he said, gently grabbing my face and inspecting it. His smile reassured me, indicating that he noticed I was feeling better.

I never thought I would be so happy to see Xavi.

"Do you need anything?" He asked softly. "I still have your meds in my car if you need them." I nodded and he brought me to his car, opening the door for me and letting me slip inside.

I sat down and took a few deep breaths that used to calm me after a small attack.

He got in and opened the glove box, passing me the meds and a bottle of water. I thanked him and chugged everything down.

"What were you doing alone on the street?"

"I don't know." I lied.

"What are you doing here?"

He turned to me, flashing me a small smile. "I came for you because I really needed to talk to you." He said, keeping his voice low and soft.

I was still feeling a little shaken by my earlier attack and I wasn't sure if I could hold a proper conversation so I let him do all the talking.

"Ray, I'm sorry for the way I treated you the other day. It's just know I love you and I know that you're mad at me, and I understand that but I need you." He confessed.

At that precise moment, I had no idea what to think. My heart was still broken after what had happened with Zyran and I liked Xavi but I knew all too good that I wasn't ready or willing to give him a second chance.

"Xavi, I already told you that I couldn't do this." I said and he visibly didn't like my answer because he inched close to me until our noses were almost touching, his eyes holding a threatening glare.

"Look Raya, whether you want it or not, you're mine. I don't know what's forcing you to act like you don't want me but I'll figure it out." He said before pecking my lips, leaving me utterly shocked.

I didn't spare him another glance and I swiftly opened door and ran out of his car.

Sleep, I really needed to sleep.


Unfortunately I woke up today.


I had school and even though I didn't want to go, I was scared to be alone at home too. I got up and did my usual morning routine.

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