Chapter 12

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I woke up screaming and sweating, disturbed by the third nightmare I had experienced that night.

If I remember correctly, they were flashbacks of me when I was younger. Different images would literally flash in front of my eyes, making me flinch as each one felt more intense than the previous.

I pushed the covers further away from me and put my soft slippers on, exiting my room.

Making my way downstairs, I heard some weirds sounds. As if someone was rummaging through stuff.

Panicking, I swiftly grabbed Gigi's tennis racket, determined to hurt whoever intruded my house. Heading towards the kitchen, I swung the weapon in the direction of the sounds, screaming.

"Ray! Calm down."

I was snapped out of my trance by Julian's presence. "There's someone in here."

He took the racket out of my hands and advanced towards the kitchen. "There's nothing. You're safe." He reassured but I wasn't convinced. Not at all.

"But I heard strange sounds. I promise."

"I know. It's okay though, it's over."

I let out a trembling breath amid hyperventilation. Julian held me close, murmuring reassurances into my ear until my breathing steadied.

That was when I realised.

"Hold on, what are you doing here?"

Julian averted his gaze, taking a seat and intertwining his fingers. "You know that I live in Michigan with my fiancée?" I nodded. "Well, we're no longer together."

A pang of sorrow hit me, my jaw dropping and eyes widening.

I recalled Julian's relentless efforts to improve for Belinda. As they left for Michigan, I was convinced they'd overcome any challenge.

Guess I was wrong.

"Why?" I questioned, taking a seat beside him. "We had a fight but it was one of those fights where you know that you have to love each other a lot to make it through. We didn't." He explained, his tone coated with sadness and regret.

Leaning my head on his shoulder, I offered him a side hug, and we stayed like that for about an hour. Eventually, I headed to my bedroom, and he went to the one he shared with Isaac. While having Julian back felt good, I tried not to show too much excitement, aware of the less-than-ideal reasons for his return.


"How's Bella doin'?"

Isaac and I had been sitting in the living room for quite a while. I was doing my homework, or at least I was trying as he wrote an essay for his English class.

I don't know how, but our conversation went from school to Bella.

"Bella and I aren't really friends anymore." I admitted. I didn't exactly know what our relationship's status was, but something had shifted between the two of us, that was undeniable.

"What happened?"

"She got a boyfriend and she's just been acting weird since then. It's like she's craving everyone's attention. To cut it short, she's annoying." I explained as Isaac nodded and sighed.

"You see? That's why I broke up with her."'

I shrugged and went back to my homework.

"Are you still with that girl you left Bells for?" I questioned and he smirked. "I'm dating her sister now." He replied, smiling triumphantly.

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