Chapter 24

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I approached the door with a frown, cautiously walking towards it. My steps were light, heart beating fast, palms sweaty.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I pushed the door open. The hallway was dark and quiet, giving the impression that nobody was home. But knowing Bella's car was parked outside, I knew she had to be somewhere inside.

My feet carried me upstairs, dreading the moment I would encounter her. Giggling from Gigi's room caught my attention, which was unusual since she should have been asleep by now.


I opened the door, and my jaw dropped.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I yelled as I pushed Bella away from Gigi.

Bella was doing drugs with Gigi, smoking and sniffing whatever substances Bella had brought. Gigi looked high, her red and sleepy eyes revealing her state. Bella sat there on the ground, intoxicated, smirking at me with a cigarette between her fingers. "I told you that you'd regret it," she whispered.

Anger surged through me, and I launched at her, grabbing her dress, pulling her up, and delivering a punch to her face. I don't even know where I got the strength.

"Get off of me!" Bella screeched, but I wasn't there mentally. It was as if anger had consumed me, and I couldn't think or hear properly anymore. My fists collided with parts of her body in a blur.

Strong arms wrapped around me, lifting me away. Breathing heavily, I turned to see Isaac behind me and Levi standing at the door, eyes wide as he looked at Gigi.

"Raya, calm down," Isaac said, grabbing my head to make me look at him. "I am fucking calm!"

I wasn't.

Levi walked over to Bella, who had a busted lip and a deep cut in her eyebrow. He grabbed her throat, his jaw clenched, and his blue eyes piercing through her soul. Bella's eyes widened, her hands going around Levi's as she tried to loosen his grip, pleading for air.

"If I see your face near one of my sisters again, I'll make sure you never breathe again. Now get the hell out," Levi threatened in a low tone.

He released her, and as soon as he did, she stumbled before running out of the house.

I crouched next to Gigi, who was now unconscious. It was impossible to know how many drugs she had consumed, and Levi called 911. Tears welled up at the thought of Gigi having an overdose, facing a life-threatening situation.


I changed into one of Levi's tracksuits hastily before heading to Cedars Sinai. My heart raced, and the voices intensified, devouring me as if consuming me alive.

We had to pull over due to their intensity. The hallucinations were vivid – my arm detached itself, and everything around me multiplied in size. The voices echoed relentlessly.

In the waiting room at the hospital, I sat with Levi, Isaac, and Julian. Our parents arrived late, notified only when we reached the hospital.

"Are you guys okay? What happened?" My mom asked, kissing each of us on the head. Levi shot her a glare, making her step back.

"Um, Bella snuck into the house and drugged Gigi. She was unconscious when we found her," Isaac explained calmly.

"Raya, I told you to keep your friends away from Gigi," my dad scolded, pointing angrily at me.

I froze, burdened by the unjust accusation. It was already difficult knowing my little sister was in danger, and my dad made it seem like I had invited Bella to harm Gigi. I couldn't move, overwhelmed by the mix of anger and sadness from my dad's comment.

"What the fuck does this have to do with Ray?" Levi demanded, narrowing his eyes at dad. "She was this fucking close to fucking killing Bella, and you dare to put it on her as if it was her fault?"

"Levi, stay out of this," my dad said, attempting to block him.

"Stay out of what? This is a family matter, and I'm a part of this family, aren't I?" Levi asserted, forcing my dad to fall silent and avert his gaze. I felt grateful for Levi standing up for me and addressing the situation.

"How come you guys haven't heard anything?" Mom asked.

"Maybe because it's one in the morning, and we were sleeping? But tell me, where were you? Judging by your dress, it looked like you were having fun while my sister was in danger." Levi remarked, his tone carrying a touch of sarcasm and mischief.

My mom gasped, covering her mouth as her eyes watered. "Levi, please stop now!" My dad demanded, which only caused Levi to smirk and sit down next to me.

Levi's protective nature over each of us often led him to confront issues head-on, using a mix of mental and physical abuse. While I appreciated his protective instincts, this time, it felt like he had crossed a line.

"Mr. Julian Gomez?" The nurse's voice broke through the hushed tones in the waiting room. Our heads turned to her, and we rose from our seats, walking towards her. "I'm assuming you're all Georgina's family?" The woman asked, and we collectively nodded, our shared concern etched on our faces.

"Georgina is currently in stable condition, but she ingested a substantial quantity of Fentanyl and Heroin. She remains unconscious, and we recommend keeping her overnight to ensure she receives the necessary care and monitoring."

My mother broke into tears as she nuzzled her face in my father's chest.

"Thank you." Julian said. The nurse gave him a tight lipped smile before wishing us a good evening and leaving.

Our family stood divided, Levi and I on one side, Isaac and Julian on the other. Levi's protective embrace shielded my trembling form from the palpable tension in the room.

I just wanted to see Gigi and go home.


Sometimes in life you go through that one phase where the principal question is: What the fuck is going on?

It's disorienting when, in the blink of an eye, the serenity of the past 24 hours crumbles into nothingness.

In the past two hours, my parents and Julian had been locked in a heated argument over how Juju was fucking up his entire life. Juju defended himself, stating he was trying, but my dad gave him two weeks to find a job, or he would be kicked out.

I couldn't comprehend why my father, who had adopted us and claimed to love us so much, was so quick to consider kicking one of his own children out just because he was facing difficulties in his life.

Then there was me.

I found myself lying in bed, caught in a whirlwind of thoughts that didn't feel entirely mine.

The events with Xavi made my emotions a chaotic mess, leaving me uncertain about the authenticity of my feelings for Zyran. Loving both Zyran and Xavi seemed like an impossibility, and I grappled with the complexity of it all.

I think that for a long time I hadn't really considered my sentiments regarding Xavi so I just persuaded myself that I didn't have any.

Zyran had filled the voids in my life, providing everything I needed, while Xavi only left destruction and doubt in his wake. Despite this, I couldn't deny my love for him.

Hoping to dispel my doubts, I felt a strong need to see Zyran.

I was persuaded it would fix everything.

What do you think of this whole situation?


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