Cuffed//Chapter 36

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'That's a lot of blood...'

It seemed it finally registered in Faythe's mind. "Oh... I'm injured..." With that she fell to the side with one slight shove from Lucci.




"That doesn't look good..."

The sound of Robin's agitated screams reached her ears.

"You said you'd hold up our promise—! You promised!!"

'Promise... What promise...?'

"It's her fault for getting ahead of herself. She got too emotional. And she isn't dead. I still have much more use for her afterall." Lucci voice was heard through the haze.

"That wasn't part of the promise....!" Robin's tone took a darker turn.

"And this whole fight wasn't part of it either. It's called adapting." Lucci waved off her concern as he neared Faythe's aching form. Her wound wasn't fairing any better as it started to bleed into her clothing and floor beneath her. Pressing a knee against her back, he harshly grabbed her arms and folded them into a pinned position.

"With this you won't be able to freely fly away from us... That is unless you learn to obey what is demanded of you."

The feeling of cold metal clicking around her wrist, made the red head sober up real quick from her agonizing daze, "W-WAIT—! WHAT—!?" She tried separating her wrists but they only seemed to reconnect back in an awfully horrifying moment of dread.

Faythe's face was pressed against the floorboard as she managed to see Franky literally take out the entire entrance wall that Blueno held onto that connected the two cars. He came barreling into the second car and landed face first.

"—That wasn't necessary..."

"Tell me... Why are you helping these guys?"

Faythe went to say something but was interrupted by Franky looking her in the eyes and speaking up first.

"I can't take it!! This blind loyalty! Standing by while she keeps doing this..." A frustrating smile bloomed on his face, "And her comrades won't leave without her...!!"

Lucci glared at him with his, "Who exactly are you talking about?"

Franky turned back to the third car—where the guys resided, "OW!! You guys!!! DONT WORRY ABOUT ME!! IVE GOT A PLAN!!"

Just then Faythe felt the sudden disappearance of one of the agents in the car. And it seemed Franky also noticed before seeing the strange warping green window in the air.

"Blueno...! Disappeared!!"

Lucci sighed in annoyance, "He didn't disappear... It's his devil fruit ability. He's able to make gateways through the walls of the atmosphere. The Doa Doa Fruit's true worth lies in more than just the 'air door'. Right now, he's retrieving Nico Robin."

Franky and Faythe gasped.

"What did you just say—!?"

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