[RWBY] - [Vol 2|Ep 4] - Extracurricular & Demonic Origin.

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Ash stand on a familiar place, a village covered in fire as ashes fall down from the sky like snow covering the ground with it's white form.

Ash eyes widen to the scene around him, shock and confusion filled him as he is face against the past scene that torment him.

But as he tried to make sense of it all, a voice suddenly speak from behind.

???: Why do you spare them?

Ash quickly look behind him to see a silhouette of a man hidden behind the smoke created by the fire around him.

Ash: What?

???: Why do you spare them?

The figure asked calmly.

Ash could only look at this strange figure, he cannot figure out what they are, their voice is that of a man but the feeling he got from him is nothing but demonic and yet felt like he know this man.

Ash: What are you talking about?

???: I'm talking about the White Fangs, the people you spare while you kill others like them before.

Ash: It's because a lot of them haven't even committed anything yet-

???: You know deep down that's not the reason.

Ash looks at the man confuse, as he started to wonder why did he spare them, is it really because they are innocent or is it because of something else.

No, he already know the answer to that.

???: Looks like you figure out the reason.

Ash: Just who the hell are you, what do you want from me?

Ash glare at the man as the air around him suddenly grew thicker and more ominous, and before Ash knew it an unbelievable amount of aura suddenly burst out from the man.

Ash: W-What is this?.

The man's aura is as dark as the abyss, it holds more killing intent than the grimm themselves, it's as if looking at the personification of malice, cruelty, and darkness, it's as if he is the devil himself

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The man's aura is as dark as the abyss, it holds more killing intent than the grimm themselves, it's as if looking at the personification of malice, cruelty, and darkness, it's as if he is the devil himself.

???: Good, you manage to endure my aura, as expected from my descendant.

Ash: What the hell are you talking about?!

???: The moment you embrace your bloodline we will meet again, until then grow stronger.

He suddenly grab onto Ash's forehead and at that moment Ash scream in pain.

He can feel something inside of him, something dark wrapping around his soul and forcefully trying to combine itself with his soul.

He continues to scream until he is suddenly pulled back to reality as he jolt up from his bed screaming.

He hold his chest expecting to feel the same pain from before but yet It's not there, it just dissapear like he didn't experience it a second ago but he did feel something is different, whatever he just experience, it change something inside him.

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