RWBY - [Vol 1|Ep 4] - The First Step

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"GOOD MORNING!!" Someone shouted as we see Ash slowly open his eyes in annoyance and as he was aboit to get up, he felt something ontop of him, helding him down.

He look down to see Pyrrha still sleeping on his chest.

Ash: Oh yeah, i forgot she ask me if she can sleep with me last night. addorable.

He hold Pyrrha gently before he slip away and tugging Pyrrha back in his sleeping bag.


The scene start with Ruby and Yang in the locker room preparing for the incoming test.

Yang: So, uhm

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Yang: So, uhm. Sis you seem rather.... Annoyed suddenly are you okay?

Ruby: I'm fine sis...

Yang: Are you jealous about last night?

Ruby: No.

Ruby took out her weapon from the locker.

Yang: Awww, so you are jealous, seing her crush getting hug by another girl.

Yang chuckle after saying that.

Ruby: No i'm not! And beside you already heard him yesterday, he said she is just his friend from Sanctum, why would i be jealous of that?

Yang: Just admit it, Ruby. You like him don't you?

Ruby: So what if i am.... It's not like it's a bad thing.

Yang: Well, i can't argue with that, i also kinda like him, he's cool and he got a nice muscle.

Ruby: Yang!

Yang: Sorry sis but you know im right.

Ruby: Ugh.

Yang: Anyway, remember Ruby, you're not the only one going through the initiation. If you wanna grow up, you're gonna have to meet new people and learn to work together.

Ruby: UUUGHH!! You sound like dad!

Ruby shoves her weapon inside the locker.

Ruby: Okay, first, What does meeting new people have to do with fighting? And secondly. I don't need people to help me grow up! I drink milk!

Ash: Say that again in a few years, shortie.

Ash suddenly appear and pats her head from behind.

Ruby: A-Ash, where did you?

Ash: Stealth, you learn a thing or two about it one day. Anyway, Ruby, i belive that's not what Yang meant, you see when you become a Huntress, you will one day have to be force to work with people you are not familiar with, so it's really important that you tried befriending them, because, you see those people will just might one day save your life.

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