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𝐤𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐞 𝐣. 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐬


Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


          "I don't see how you're an A plus student."

I lifted my head up off of the desk that I had been sleeping on looking over at whoever was talking to me with my eyes squinted. Seeing that it was Khayri staring at me while shaking his head.

"I get all my work done, thank you very much. We not doing shit in here so imma just take my ass to sleep." I laid my head back down on the desk.

We were currently in Child Development class but nobody was listening to our teacher so she decided to just sit on her phone until our class granted her respect. Little did she know that would be when hell freezes over.

She was a new teacher at our high school and she wasn't that old. She was actually relatively young, straight out of college. Her being the same age as us barely got her any respect because my classmates expected her to act like their friend.

"Let's skip." Kha groaned.

Whenever I got bored in any class I just chose to go to sleep since we weren't allowed to have our phones out whatsoever. If we were caught on our phone it was an automatic detention. Some people don't care and just thug the detention out but I'd rather not. A waste of time when you could have just kept your phone up.

I wish Khayri would just go to sleep when he got bored but instead he wanted to move around. He always made me walk around the school with him when I truly just would rather sleep.

"Kha, just take a nap."

"It's twelve. I ain't tired fuck nigga," He bucked at me playfully before raising his hand to our teacher, Ms. Wilcox. "Can me and Kacie go print these papers off real quick?"

"Sure." She waved us off as she continued scrolling.

I reluctantly got up from my seat, walking out of class with my bad influence of a friend. I couldn't tell you where we were going. We would always walk with no exact location.

"I need your help after school with my paper." Kha looked at me with puppy dog eyes as we walked through the hallway.

"I can't help you today. I gotta tutor Neno after school."

The thing about going to McKinley was that everybody that went here wasn't the brightest. So when I, a mediocre ass student came along I was looked at like a genius. When in reality I just got the work done and turned it in. The work wasn't even that difficult in my opinion.

"What subject you tutoring him in?" He asked.


"Funny cause that's something ya'll have a lot of." He said causing me to punch him roughly in the shoulder with a fake laugh.

"Haha, nigga. I'm tired of you saying that."

"Even if you don't like him he definitely likes you. I be seeing him looking at you during composition. And he finds any excuse to talk to you. That should tell you something.."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes as we continued walking through our three story high school.

Khayri would always say that he believed me and Neno had something secretly going on but in reality it wasn't even like that. I truly believed that he was just friendly to me.

Even if he did like me it's not like I would know. I had never had an actual boyfriend before or somebody that was interested in me besides some boys in the fifth grade. But back at that age, boys just liked anybody.

"Hey ya'll!" I discretely rolled my eyes hearing the all too familiar voice of Remi, the obnoxious girlfriend of Kha's.

"Hey baby. What class you in?" He hugged her as we approached her, giving her a quick peck while I just stood there awkwardly.

"Earth science," She shrugged while waving her hall pass. "Hey, Kacei."

"Hey." I waved awkwardly.

Remi was very pretty. She had the cutest doll eyes with the longest natural curly hair. She was short and petite just how Kha liked them. I swear all his girlfriends looked like that. Like every single one of them. Safe to say he had a type.

The only reason I found her obnoxious was because she was just really loud and messy. She constantly got into fights and once she started dating Kha she tried to get me involved in her mess. Also, every time I tried spending time with her she tried to peer pressure me into doing things I didn't want to do.

"Imma head back to class and finish my nap. Imma see ya'll." I dismissed myself and let the two love birds be, heading back to class.

"Have fun with tutoring your boo later!"


"You gotta memorize the polyatomic ions and soon as you do that that'll make this entire process much easier." I said looking at the paper that sat in front of Neno.

"I suck at memorizing shit—"

"Make some flashcards and get to memorizing. That is the literal only way that you gone pass that quiz next week."

"Why this shit gotta be so hard?" He groaned, stretching out in his seat revealing the band of the Calvin Klein boxers he had on.

"It's really not you're just a procrastinator." I laughed.

I had went through four tutoring sessions with him so far and I could see that he wasn't dumb. He was just, in all honesty, lazy and a very bad procrastinator. He could get good grades if he just sat down and worked on his time management.

"Whatever, Cici." He smiled showing his white teeth that currently had black power chains on them, with black elastics connecting from the top to the bottom.

Nobody else called me Cici except for him either. My entire life I never realized had a nickname from anybody except for Khayri. Since we were kids he would call me KJ, but outside of that everybody just kept it regular and called me Kacie.

"Let's start getting this memorization stuff out the way and started. Which way do you learn the best?" I asked.

He shrugged, stretching out again with a slight chuckle. "I don't fucking know."

"Would it help to memorize this by song? Flashcards, writing it out over and over again? Tell me something man." I shook my head.

"I don't know. Imma try the flash cards tonight."

"Are you lying?" I asked looking him in the eyes, laughing once I noticed him raise his right eyebrow and scratch the top of his head. "You are. Please work on it, Neno."

"Okay, Cici. Anything for the boss." He shot me a smile, getting up and picking with packed backpack off of the ground.

Ever since Kha had mentioned the idea of us having something going on I analyzed every conversation, every time he would touch me, or what I thought would be flirting. So far to me it still seemed friendly.

Either I was clueless or Khayri was delusional and just wanted something for me that clearly wasn't there.

"I'll ask you again in composition. If you don't put forth the effort for these sessions to work then I cannot keep tutoring you, Neno—"

"Imma do it. Pinky promise." He smiled, sticking his pinky out in front of me as I reluctantly wrapped mine around his.

"Pinky promise."

short lil intro, this book will be cute ...

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐇.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang