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𝐤𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐞 𝐣. 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐬

"You wanna go to this basketball game with me?" I asked Kha as we sat in Child Development, doing nothing but a simple worksheet.

"Basketball game?" He sounded taken back.


"Kacie Samuels wants to go to a basketball game? It's that lil' boy, isn't it?" He laughed while writing an answer down on his paper.

Yes it is.

"It's my senior year. I just want to go to have fun."

I was lying like hell.

I hadn't been to a basketball game since my sophomore year. I never saw the hype around it and half the time we would always win and the other team would get blown out so it wasn't that enjoyable or interesting to watch.

But Neno wanted me there so I would go.

"I'll go with you." He chuckled before putting his pencil down. "You digging lil' Neno, ain't you?"

"Yes, Kha. I already told you I'm head over heels. I need to get it the fuck together." I shook my head and sighed.

"How cute."

"I don't even know how this process is supposed to go but I'm just going with the flow. Letting him take the lead in whatever this is.."

"Just go with the flow and vibe. This is the best stage of a relationship, just kicking it. No labels and shit." He stated.

"How's Yanni?" I asked, switching the subject since I had randomly thought of his little sister.

I had been texting her ever since the day I saw her but the responses from her were getting slower and slower and dryer and dryer.

"In her room depressed as fuck. She won't talk to me cause she still mad I called her fast. But shit, she is. I ain't finna lie to her—"

"The last thing she needed to hear from her older brother in this tough time was you calling her fast. It was wrong of you to say."

He rubbed his hands over his face, "She shouldn't have been fuckin' around with irresponsible niggas. Fast."

Boys are so dense.

"We should probably stop talking about this cause you gone piss me off." I sighed before looking back down at the worksheet that was ironically about children.

We were currently doing a worksheet centered on SIDS which was sudden infant death syndrome. Our teacher had us read a passage on it then do a fill in the blank about it. The work was easy, but reading about it was hard.

There are no warning signs for it and your baby could just die suddenly. It could happen to any child no matter how healthy they were and that's what scared me.

"Don't be mad at me now, KJ."

"I ain't mad at you fool. I just think you sound dumb as fuck. Accidents happen and considering that you fuck around and have pregnancy scares almost every week that you shouldn't be talking about anybody." I shrugged.

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