Chapter twenty-five : Surprise ! Surprise !

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The weeks went by at Hogwarts and the days became milder. The buds on the leaves of the Whomping Willow could already be seen. And with the prospect of spring came Daphne's sixteenth birthday.

"So what do you want to do today?" asked Adalinda at the breakfast table. "It's Sunday, so we've got the whole day free. But tonight, I'm in charge!"

"What's happening tonight?" asked Daphne, far too curious.

"It's a surprise!"

"Not even a little hint? It's my birthday after all!" she begged.

"Precisely! I've finally got a chance to organise something and I want it to be perfect. Now answer my question, what do you have in mind for the day?"

"If you answer anything to do with plants or bloody beasts, count me out," Pansy warned, chewing the rest of her toast.

While Adalinda began to argue with Pansy about why the choice was entirely up to Daphne, she took the opportunity to have a quick look around the Gryffindors' table. Most of the Slytherins in her year, as well as some of the students from the other houses, had all wished her a happy birthday, starting from the moment she had gone down to the common room until breakfast this morning. But out of all the fifth years, Daphne was only waiting to hear these words from one of them. As the students gradually began to leave the Great Hall, she dared to try and attract Harry's attention, but he was engaged in thoughtful conversation with Seamus and Ron. In fact, he might have had no idea that today was her birthday. She'd never told him after all. Daphne tried to convince herself that perhaps this was for the best, as it would surely be difficult to escape today, Adalinda seeming determined to organise every minute of it. Still, Daphne felt a twinge of sadness at the thought of not seeing him at all.

As she made one last attempt to catch Harry's eye, her vision was blocked by the body of a young man with platinum blonde hair.

"Happy birthday, Daphne."

"Thank you Draco," she thanked him as he sat down across from her.

"It's a little something for the occasion. I know the others are probably planning to give you theirs tonight, but I wanted to give you this this morning," he explained, handing her a packet.

"So you're in cahoots with Ady on this mysterious surprise?"

"Possibly," he replied, amused, as Daphne accepted her gift.

The object, wrapped in silver paper, was heavy and its round shape piqued her interest. She didn't wait any longer to unwrap it. It was a snow globe, with a miniature replica of her house at its centre. The attention paid to reproducing the details of the exterior was simply breathtaking. Naturally, Daphne couldn't resist shaking it and watching the glitter cover the roof of the tiny mansion like little snowflakes.

"It's really lovely. Thank you very much, Draco," she added, sincerely touched by his thoughtfulness.

It wasn't the first time he'd given her a present on her birthday, only on previous occasions they'd been more showy and less personal, presumably chosen by his mother to emphasise the apparent opulence of the Malfoy family.

"I'm glad you like it," he replied with the kind look Daphne knew him for when he wasn't trying to brag or act like a little twit.

A look that unfortunately disappeared the second Pansy opened her mouth.

"Oh, how adorable, Draco! Can I have a look," she added, leaning across the table to take the object from Daphne's hands before she had time to reply.

"So considerate," Millicent exclaimed in admiration.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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