Chapter Twenty-two : The Astronomy Tower

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For the first time all year, Daphne did not go to Potion that Monday. She knew she couldn't meet Harry's eyes and deny what they had said to each other the previous day. Only if she decided to skip her morning classes, she couldn't be seen walking the corridors of the castle. Therefore, after breakfast, she had wandered through the park to the black lake and found a peaceful spot sitting against a tree at the edge of the forbidden forest that bordered the pebble beach.

    She now remembered having been there once in fourth year with Millicent, Adalinda and other girls from her house and Ravenclaw to watch Victor Krum practice for the tournament. Those days seemed so far away now. The young witch she was then didn't have all these worries on her mind and everything looked so simple. The only things that would have mattered to them would have been who invited them to the Yule Ball. Pansy had naturally done everything she could to get Draco to invite her and had succeeded, even if he hadn't been as enthusiastic about the idea as she was.

    As she thought back to those years when she had still been allowed to be naive and reckless with the reality of her world, Daphne let herself drift back into her memories, the sound of water being pushed by the wind along the banks of the lake.

    The young witch must have dozed off for a moment, because it was the sound of footsteps on the pebbles that made her recall where she was.

"Daphne, I've been worried sick ! You suddenly disappeared and nobody knew where you were. It's a good thing I know you well enough to have guessed where you might have gone".

"Sorry, Ady, I just needed to get away for a while," she confessed, sitting up straight.

"That's what you keep telling me".

For all answer, she gave an apologetic pout. She felt guilty for having distanced herself from her closest friend.

"What's the matter with you ? I haven't recognised you for some time. It's not like you to miss a class like this. If you'd been sick or Astoria had needed you I'd have understood but you seem out of it, something's wrong I can feel it."

Daphne didn't know what to say to her. She was tired of having to make up another lie to explain why she was acting this way.

"Look, I'm your best friend and I need you to be honest if you want me to be able to help you. Is anyone giving you trouble ?" she continued.

"No. Things are just confusing for me at the moment, that's all".

"Could this have anything to do with Harry Potter ?"

   Daphne froze when she heard the name. Was it that obvious ? The young Slytherin thought she had been discreet, but it was becoming increasingly clear that she was not very good at hiding what she felt from those closest to her.

    After her sister, Adalinda was now the second person to make a connection between her and Harry. Deep down, Daphne knew that she could have once again found an explanation for her strange recent behaviour. But did she want to lie to her best friend ? The pain Astoria had felt when she discovered that Irene had hidden her interest in a boy from her came back to her mind. Wasn't it proof that keeping her feelings for Harry a secret would hurt Adalinda more if she found out from someone other than Daphne herself... Besides, she missed sharing everything with her friend. And right now, she really needed her support.

   Slowly, Daphne nodded her head. And although her best friend had guessed, the confirmation of her suspicions still seemed to come as a shock to her.

"Am I that much of an open book ?" she finally said, looking up at her friend with an amused look.

Adalinda looked worried, but Daphne could also detect a certain benevolence in her features.

Our two enemy worlds - A Harry Potter Romanceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें