Chapter elven : Let's the game begin !

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The next two weeks were particularly busy for Daphne. She now had to balance revisions, supporting their Quidditch team with Adalinda, caring for Hagrid's creatures and receiving lessons from Harry.

The previous week they had been working on Protego, the shield spell. Another elementary spell but essential for defence in a duel. Daphne hadn't done too badly, although at first she hadn't managed to avoid all of Harry's Jelly-Legs Jinx spells, which had knocked her down and left her with a few bruises that were still a little sore today.

This Saturday, Daphne had actually planned to visit the Aufera after attending Quidditch practice. It had been two days since she had seen him, and she knew how lonely he could be. They had now developed a real bond of trust and each enjoyed the other's company. Daphne was able to spend some time away from all the pressure and her many responsibilities, and the Aufera had a pleasant presence and a back-scratching session, something he particularly enjoyed.

It was almost lunchtime and Daphne had not yet had a chance to eat anything, being too preoccupied with everything she had to do. In her bag, she stuffed her History of Magic textbook with which she had to revise the Giant War, several sheets of blank parchment and some sweets for the creature.

Arriving in the Great Hall, she hurried to sit down next to Millicent, Tracey and Adalinda. Pansy was probably already on her way to the Quidditch field complimenting Draco on his skill on a broom.

-Are you all right, Daphne ?" asked Millicent in concern. You always seem to be running around. You should really think about slowing down and getting some rest. You don't seem to have a minute to yourself.

If only she knew how true that was.

-Yes, I know... Between Quidditch and teachers talking about O.W.L.'s as if they were the key to our entire existence, I don't know where to start.

-Well, it's true that they will determine which options we will be allowed to take next year. Options that will influence our results at N.E.W.T. and therefore our future career, said Tracey.

-Thank you for the reminder, Tracey," replied Daphne in a wry tone.

-We hardly have time to spend together and chat like we used to. I know that you value your time in the school's greenhouses but...maybe you could go a little less often," says Adalinda.

The greenhouses, a place where none of them would ever set foot on their own initiative. All that dirt and heavy, humid air was not their cup of tea. They were the perfect excuse to get away without raising any questions. 

They all knew how much Daphne enjoyed Herbology, and were indebted to her for keeping them up to the level of the subject.

-I know, I miss spending time with you too," she replied wearily. But Professor Sprout has entrusted me with the care of some plants and I wouldn't want to disappoint her.

Now Daphne was lying to them. She knew it wasn't the answer but what else could she do ? Reducing her so-called time at the greenhouses meant making concessions on time spent with Hagrid's creatures, creatures that needed her. And she wasn't about to give up the training sessions with Harry either.

-I understand. If you don't, don't feel like you have to come to every team practice," Adalinda said a little sadly.

-Oh no, Ady ! These are the only opportunities we have to really see each other and think about something other than those damn O.W.L.. I just have to combine the two. I've got my History of Magic textbook. I'll support the team for the first half of training and then focus on my essay on giants," Daphne offered hopefully.

-Very well," she replied. In fact, we should be going soon. Blaise told me they'd start at one thirty.

Daphne grabbed a piece of buttered toast and set off with the others.

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