Chapter six : Hogwarts greenhouses

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After their discussion, Daphne tried to avoid Harry as much as possible. Changing direction in the corridors when she saw him, moving to another table in the library, sitting with her back to other tables in the Great Hall, all in order not to meet his eyes. This worked very well, until Monday morning when she could no longer avoid him. Snape had paired them up for the rest of the year, so she would have to talk to him. She would keep it to a minimum, though.

The Gryffindor and Slytherin students waited along the wall in front of the potions dungeon for their teacher to arrive. The noise and bustle of chatter had increased as they waited.

-So Weasley, not off your broomstick yet I hear. Shouldn't be long now anyway," Malfoy and his two hilarious goons chuckled. "Though perhaps I should thank you. Taking the cup from you might be as easy as picking one or another of your father's disabilities to get him fired from the Ministry. Since the time it should have been rid of your good-for-nothing daddy," he continued with a snide look.

-It's your father, the manipulative bastard, who should be removed, Malfoy!" Ron shouted at him.

-In the meantime, he's the one who had lunch with the Minister himself this weekend. By the way Potter, they discussed your case. It looks like it's time to lock you up for good with all the nonsense you're saying to get attention. Is there a wing at Mongoose St. for people as crazy as you? Your brain must have gone soft from taking spells in that stupid tournament.

At that moment, Neville emerged from the crowd and literally ran towards Malfoy. Malfoy jumped back, a shocked expression on his face. He wasn't used to his remarks causing such a reaction, least of all Neville Longbottom. Harry and Ron caught his shoulders just in time. Snape had just appeared at the end of the corridor.

-I see you are incapable of holding your temper for even a few minutes between two of your classes. I'm taking 10 points off Gryffindor. Now go inside and be quiet," he ordered in his nasal, monotone voice.

Daphne came and sat down next to an already irritated Harry. Clearly this potions class was going to be a blast.

Snape began his lesson and Daphne kept her gaze straight ahead the whole time. She and Harry only exchanged brief sentences to complete the instructions for the day's potion.

As soon as the class was over, Daphne stood up and hurried out of the dungeon. As she climbed the steps to the greenhouses, she heard a voice calling her.

-Daphne, wait !" shouted Harry.

She walked on for a few yards before she gave in and turned around.

-What have I done wrong now, Harry?

-I just wanted to apologise," he replied. He sounded sincere. "It's been a tough time lately, and it was unfair of me to take my anger out on you.

-Thank you for acknowledging that," she said more calmly. "It's true that although we know who the other is, we don't really know each other on a personal level. We've only heard or assumed things".

-Let's start afresh then. Let's forget all the preconceptions and give ourselves a chance to know who the other person really is," he says confidently. "Hello, my name is Harry, Harry Potter." He held out his hand.

Daphne hesitated for a moment. She never thought that a friendly relationship would be possible between them. But now that she was faced with this offer of understanding. Accepting it seemed the natural thing to do. She took his hand and shook it resolutely.

-Daphne Greengrass, pleased to meet you.

They were now both standing in the middle of a corridor, smiling shyly at each other.

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