Chapter nine : A mysterious meeting

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Pansy's gang was gathered on one of the hills overlooking Whomping Willow, the late Thursday afternoon sun setting over the school grounds.

-What a curse that Longbottom is ! I don't know how much longer I can keep up with him in Potion," complained Tracey. It's all so Snape can get a good appraisal from the Academy of Magical Examiners by getting his students to do better in O.W.L.

-I sympathise," chuckled Pansy. He's as clumsy as his clothes are tasteful !

Millicent and Tracey were laughing themselves to death, holding their ribs.

Daphne pretended to laugh with her friends, although deep down she couldn't laugh at poor Neville the way she had in previous years. A feeling of shame came over her as she thought of the times she too had joked about his awkwardness and atypicality. But over the years she had discovered a gentleness and vulnerability in him that had touched her. Both of them had stayed many times after the Herbology lessons to ask for more information about the plants they had seen in the classes. They had quickly become Professor Sprout's favourite students. Of course, she hadn't been as friendly to Neville when her friends were around. And Neville understood that. He had never spoken directly to her outside of those times when they were discussing botany.

It saddened her that she couldn't be as open about her passions and discuss them with all the students who shared her interests, especially Neville. Although he was from a pureblood family too, he was still a Gryffindor, an awkward student who was mocked by many, including Pansy, and above all a friend of Harry Potter.

-And you Daphne, how are you getting on with Potter?

-Ummm... Well, he can be quite forgetful when he's not paying attention, but other than that, he's not that bad of a Potion partner.

Her four friends gave her looks of incomprehension. Wondering why Daphne hadn't taken another opportunity to laugh at Harry Potter, one of their favourite subjects of mockery.

Daphne sensed that the mood had changed, and decided to change the subject as quickly as possible.

-I can't wait for the first Saturday in November so we can kick their arse at the Quidditch match ! Do Blaise and Draco feel ready ?" she questioned Adalinda and Pansy with her eyes. Knowing that they wouldn't miss the opportunity to talk about their team.

-Yes ! They have never trained as much as this year ! This time it's the right time," said Pansy with conviction.

-By the way, they're going to train this Sunday, will you come with us to encourage them, Daphne ?

-Yes, of course !" she replied enthusiastically.

On Friday morning, Daphne was getting impatient. She hadn't heard back from Harry, even though it had been three days since they had had their conversation about the potential Defense Against Dark Arts classes he would or would not be teaching her. At their last Potion class of the week on Thursday morning, Daphne had hoped he would give her an answer. But nothing. They had exchanged nothing but small talk and instructions on the Potion Snape had given them to prepare. She hadn't wanted to press him for an answer then, and risk putting him off.

Should she still wait for him to make up his mind, or go and ask him directly. Perhaps Ron or Hermione had an objection to him teaching her to defend herself. She suspected that she must not be very popular with the Gryffindors. Especially now that she remembered laughing at Tracey's jokes about Hermione's teeth.

Anyway, there was nothing she could do at the moment. She still had a mountain of homework and revision ahead of her and if she wanted to be free to go and watch the team practice on Sunday, she had to get on with it.

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