Chapter five : Explanation

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Over the next week, Daphne sensed that Harry was acting strangely in Potions class. He was quieter than usual and she caught him looking at her suspiciously several times. Preferring to ignore him, she pretended that nothing was wrong and concentrated instead on the preparations Snape had given them.

At lunch on Thursday, Daphne caught him watching her again across the Great Hall. When she met his gaze, she made eye contact to try to decipher his expression. Her eyebrows furrowed as if to ask him why he was staring at her like that. He then turned his attention to what she assumed was a glass of pumpkin juice. Why was he staring at her like that ? They had only been discussing Hedwig, she didn't remember saying anything offensive to him. A feeling of unease and restlessness came over her, a lump in her stomach was now suppressing her appetite. Fortunately no one around her seemed to notice the way he was glaring at her.

Not wanting to eat anything more, she stood up and walked towards her common room.

The empty corridors that led to the dungeons echoed with her quick steps on the stone floor. Suddenly, her own steps were joined by others. And without turning around, she quickened her pace. The footsteps behind her picked up her speed and seemed to be getting closer and closer. Daphne took a deep breath to gather her courage and decided to turn around in one motion.

A few feet away from her stood Harry. His face was defiant and full of a determination that made Daphne take a step back.

-What do you want ? You scared the hell out of me !" she asked him in a voice less confident than she would have liked to appear.

-What were you doing in Hagrid's place on Saturday morning," he asked her bluntly.

-You followed me that day ?

-I saw you heading towards his hut from the aviary and I wanted to know what you were doing near his house when he's not there.

-You don't know anything, Harry, so mind your own business.

-Hagrid is my friend, so it is my business ! And if I don't understand then just explain it to me, if you have nothing to hide !

-I've given you no reason to distrust me, so my word should be good enough. Unless, of course, the mere fact of being in Slytherin makes me guilty in your eyes. We're all cruel and ill-intentioned according to you.

-I don't trust you," he said, looking her straight in the eye.

-Well, I don't trust you either," she replied defiantly.

-I'm not the one who breaks into people's houses in their absence.

-I didn't break in in the first place. Hagrid gave me a task to fulfil, that's all. Now leave me alone," she said, heading in the opposite direction.

-Hang on ! Hagrid never told me about it. Hagrid never mentioned you and you tell me he gave you a task ? Why ? What is it that only you could do for him and not me or a teacher?

She turned and looked at him in annoyance.

-You don't know me, Harry. Stop assuming about me.

-I'm not going to give up any time soon, so you'd better tell me what it is," he retorted with the most determined look he could muster.

Daphne looked down and sighed. It did seem that he would not stop pestering her until he had an answer. She gave in.

-If I tell you, you must swear not to tell anyone.

-I promise you that.

-If this gets out, me and Hagrid could be in trouble, so I hope you keep your word.

She looked around and took Harry's wrist to the nearest empty classroom, where they were less likely to be overheard. She closed the door and walked to the centre of the room. She took a breath before she began.

-This summer Hagrid sent me a letter saying he wouldn't be back in school. He wasn't supposed to be away for more than a few weeks. He said he was on holiday but I don't think he told me everything. However, that's his own business after all. In the third year, let's just say I showed some interest in the Care of Magical Creatures course. I came to see him several times after his lessons to discuss some of them and the specimens I wanted to know more about. And as time went on, I became friends with him. I would come in a few times for information about animals but not only that. Hagrid is a very good listener and very sensitive despite the prejudices about people like him. But you probably know that as you are also close. Anyway, that's why in his letter he asked me to take care of two hybrid creatures that he was keeping at his house but couldn't look after while he was gone. He knows I can do it and trusts me," she said confidently.

-But why didn't you ask Professor Grubbly-Plank, then ? No offence, but she seems a better person to deal with it.

-Well, let's just say that Hagrid, and I don't think you'll argue with me, is not always reasonable. You need a permit to own these two hybrids. One was even rescued from a smuggling ring. So, asking a teacher was not an option. Hagrid had already had enough trouble with Norbert and Buck in previous years.

Daphne, who had kept her eyes on the lake from the window throughout her story, allowed herself to look at Harry. He still seemed to be thinking about what she had just told him.

-You can see why it has to be kept secret. Besides, when I told you not to tell anyone, I meant it, especially the students," she said worriedly. I mean...

-Not to tell your Slytherin mates that you're friends with a half-giant ? "For a pureblood, it would look bad, wouldn't it ?" he continued as if to provoke her.

-I'm not ashamed to be friends with him ! You don't know what you're talking about. It's just that some of them can be...

-Persecutory, judgmental, intolerant ?

Daphne didn't know what to say. She had already sincerely wondered what the reaction of some of her 'friends' would be if they knew she was seeing Hagrid or that cruelty to muggles and certain magical creatures went against what she believed in. No doubt Pansy or Tracey would ban her from their group. She was uncertain, however, as to how Millicent or Adalinda would react. Millicent would probably end up following Pansy's advice, as always. But Adalinda was her best friend, she had always confided in her a lot... Except on this subject, of course. Would she reject her like the others ? Would she be a traitor to her blood to them ?

-Aren't they your friends ? Because real friends are supposed to accept you as you are.

Daphne felt the emotion rising and looked away. She didn't want to show herself vulnerable in front of him. She couldn't afford to show any weakness that could be used against her later.

-Don't you dare judge me or my choices, she said defensively in a slightly feverish voice. As she turned to the door she added, "Well, now you have your answer. Satisfied ?"

Her tone was rhetorical, of course, so she didn't wait for his answer before leaving the room. Hastening her pace, she left the castle and headed for the lake where she hoped to find some solace in the solitude.

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