Chapter twenty-three : Flying broomstick and forbidden books

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    The Quidditch pitch was still cloaked in darkness and the west wind was blowing through the fir trees lining the stands when Daphne arrived at the spot Harry had indicated to her two days earlier. Tired from getting up so early and still intrigued by this mysterious meeting, she wondered if it had been a good idea to agree to join him after all. Getting out of her dormitory without waking the others had been difficult enough and she had to admit that the prospect of being caught by Umbridge or Filch was on her mind. But when Harry had passed her a note asking her to meet him before dawn for a surprise, Daphne hadn't been able to refuse. Although they had taken every opportunity to brush against each other's hands or throw each other a smile across the Great Hall, the two of them had not had a real moment alone since that memorable night in the Astronomy Tower. Now that they had finally admitted how they felt about each other, every moment together had to be seized.

   So when she saw Harry crossing the grounds to join her, broom in hand, all her fears evaporated. Daphne strode towards him.

"I should have known all this would involve stealing a broom", she observed, amused but not entirely at ease.

   Daphne had to admit that she had never been very comfortable on those. She loved Quidditch but the idea of getting on one and being propelled dozens of metres above the ground did not reassure her. To tell the truth, her first experience on a broom had been rather disastrous and since that time, despite the encouragement of Adalinda and Draco, she had not repeated the attempt.

"Don't tell me you're afraid of heights ?"

'Easy for you to say' thought the young witch. Flying had always been second nature to him.

"Where did that broom come from anyway ? Didn't Umbridge confiscate yours and forbid you to fly ? I don't think that's a good idea, we could be seen."

"Mhmhmh, you won't get away with it, believe me", Harry charred her. "Ron lent me his and anyway the whole castle's asleep by now."

"What exactly did you have in mind ?" capitulated Daphne.

"Do you trust me ?" he replied, holding out his hand.

The young witch took a deep breath before nodding and accepting his outstretched hand. Harry straddled her broom and pulled her onto the back, wrapping Daphne's arms around his waist.

"Now remember to hold me tight. Ready ?"

In response, Daphne strengthened her embrace and buried her head against the Gryffindor's shoulder.

"You can close your eyes at first if that helps."

   Slowly then, the broom rose above the ground and began to make rounds across the grounds. It was then that they gained altitude and continued their trajectory in a straight line. Daphne's curiosity got the better of her as she opened her eyes and saw the treetops of the forbidden forest pass beneath their feet.

"By Merlin", she exclaimed, realising just how high above the ground they were.

"Wait, there's more to come", added Harry enthusiastically as they turned towards the lagoon on the outskirts of the castle.

Suddenly, Harry steadied the broom about fifteen metres above the water and they both stood still, the wind blowing on their cheeks reddened by the cold.


"Look !"

   Daphne was about to ask him what he was talking about when all of sudden she knew. The first rays of sunlight, peeking from the top of the mountains, illuminated the water of the lake. It was dawn. The whole valley was bathed in a blazing light that warmed Daphne's face as it touched her.

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