Chapter 11

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Dunya is temporary!! Do not get attached to the dunya. ''And the worldly life is nothing but amusement and diversion but the hole of the hereafter is the best for those who fear Allah so will you still not understand?" (Q 6:32)


Ramadan was coming to an end. Alhamdulillah, it was the last 15 days of Ramadan and honestly, I have not been feeling the fast. It's probably because of the cool weather, tahajjud has been very amazing for me. I had enough time to communicate with my Lord. I have been offline and that's because I was trying to focus on my deen and I can never be more grateful for Ibrahim who inspired me to go off and learn more about my religion.

Ibrahim has been of good help since he came into my life. I just like everything about him and how he is  a man of his deen. I've told Allah to make him mine if he's the one for me and if he isn't, he should let him leave my life peacefully. Ya Rabb, I love him but if he's not the right one then let him leave. I've made the that dua a lot of times and people end up leaving. I soon came to realize they didn't leave me. Allah (SWT) removed them from my life because they were not good for me.

Today, we were invited to dinner at the Garba's. Since I haven't spoken to Ibrahim for some days now, I became even more nervous to see him. I got dressed into a maroon gown which wasn't tight but showed my curves and tied a jersey scarf which was white. I adorned myself  with jewelry, which I got from hhjewels, and put on the new perfume Amira got for me.

Once everyone was set, we headed straight to the Garba's with two Range Rovers. That was like our family car.

Ya Farouk wasn't present, he said something about going out with his friends.

We finally got there and the house was indeed beautiful. It was similar to ours and I really loved the mosque. A maid came and lead us into the house. As we stepped inside the house, there was a spacious foyer which lead to the living room. The living room ceiling was pretty high and there were nude and golden royal chairs and curtains. The walls were painted nude with a touch of white here and there. I really loved the interior. The inside is just so beautiful.

Shortly afterwards, Ummah came into the living room with two other maids behind her holding a tray filled with drinks and other delicacies.

"Wallahi, I'm glad you people could make it." Ummah said, hugging my mum.

"We wouldn't miss this dinner for the world." My mom replied as she hugged her back with a huge smile on her face.

"Amal and Fatima you both look very beautiful." Ummah said 

"Thank you, Ummah." We chorused, returning her smile. She then lead us to the dining room and out of curiosity, I asked,

"Ummah where is Fadila?"

"She's in her room upstairs. Get her down here for me, would you? Upstairs, first room by your left." She said, and I replied an with 'okay'.

I went upstairs and knocked on the door to which I suppose is her room.

She muttered a come in and I went in.

The room was indeed beautiful. It suits her perfectly. The room was painted nude and she had a lot of paintings in it, which I think are her hand work.

She noticed me and her eyes widened for a split second before it finally clicked and she ran towards me, engulfing me in a bone-crushing hug.

"Fave you're chooking me, kina so ki kashe nii? With your fat body!" (Do you want to kill me?) I exclaimed.

"Haba my love, you're exaggerating. I'm just really happy to see you." She stated, rolling her eyes jokingly.

"I'm serious. See your cheeks, like that of a chipmunk." I said, making her gasp in horror and she ran to the mirror.

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