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        ~Annabeth's POV

        Not long after Percy had said he wanted something to eat, the group found themselves sitting at a booth in a gleaming chrome diner. All around them, families were eating burgers and drinking malts and soda. 

        Annabeth had to admit, looking at all the yummy things around her she felt very hungry and when she looked over at Andie and saw her practically drooling over the pasta that just went by her on a waitress's arm, she could tell she was feeling the same way. 

        Finally, the waitress walked over but she was raising her eyebrow skeptically. "Well?"

        "We, um, want to order dinner," Percy spoke for the table while the kids nodded in agreement. 

        "You kids have money to pay for it?" 

        Annabeth panicked for a second, not knowing whether or not she should start crying to help or to dig through her bag. She knew she didn't have any more money so maybe the helpless card would work. She looked over at Grover and saw that his lower lip quivered slightly. At this point though, Annabeth was desperate to try anything. She was about ready to pass out from hunger and from the looks of Andie laying her head back against the booth, she was too.

        Annabeth was trying to think before a giant rumble shook the whole building and a huge motorcycle pulled up. 

        All the conversations around the diner had stopped. The motorcycle's headlight glared red, its gas tank had flames painted on it, and a shotgun holster riveted to either side, both completed with shotguns. Annabeth sighed; you didn't have to be Athena's kid to realize who this was. 

        Ares, the god of war, walked through the door and he was clad in lots of black leather and red accents. As he walked into the diner, a hot, dry wind blew through and almost immediately all the people rose, as if they were hypnotized, but Ares raised his hand dismissively and they all sat down again. Everyone went back to their conversations and the group's waitress blinked. 

        "You kids have money to pay for it?" She asked again.

        "It's on me," Ares said as he slid into the booth, which was much too small for him, and he ended up pushing Andie right into Annabeth who ended up being smushed right into the window. He looked up at the waitress, who was gaping at him. "Are you still here?"

        He pointed at the waitress, and she stiffened immediately. She turned as if she'd been spun around, then marched back toward the kitchen. Ares looked at Percy and Annabeth found herself growing a little irritated, but she tried her best to keep her anger under control. Ares had that effect.

        "So, you're old Seaweed's kid, huh?" Ares asked Percy with a wicked grin. 

       "What's it to you," Percy replied with gritted teeth and Annabeth shot him a warning look, he didn't know who was sitting right in front of him. 

        "Percy, this is-

        "It's alright." Ares cut Annabeth off with a raised hand. "I don't mind a little attitude. As long as you remember who's the boss. You know who I am, little cousin?" 

        It seemed as though Percy got smacked in the face with information and the look of realization dawned on his face. "You're Ares, god of war." 

       "Right, you are, kid." Ares nodded before clasping his hands together. "So, your quest is going to fail. Ask me how I know." 

       Annabeth knit her eyebrows together, she'd only seen Ares a few times during the winter solstice field trips, but he still managed to keep her on her toes with his emotions. Being the god of war, he tended to be very short-tempered tempered but there were times when he just wanted entertainment, and this seemed like one of those times. 

When Sun Meets the Sea ~ PJO 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ