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        ~Andie's POV

        The group was now in the fountain with Percy who was sitting crisscrossed, having water splashed onto him. 

        "The water cured him back at camp, it should work for poison too, right?" Annabeth asked as she tried to splash as much water on him as she could. 

        "You know, I think it's, I think it's working," Percy said but right afterward he keeled over, holding his stomach like he was going to be sick. "Or not." 

        "Maybe it needs to be naturally running water for Poseidon to be able to heal him," Annabeth announced.

        "That makes a lot more sense, Athena probably doesn't want to help a son of Poseidon," Andie said but she continued to splash water onto him in hopes that maybe Athena would have a change of heart. As she was doing this, she noticed Annabeth's splashing had slowed to a stop and she was staring at something in the distance. "Annabeth, what is it?"   

        "We need to get back inside." She spoke. 

        "No, we need to keep trying." Grover countered and Annabeth looked frazzled, but it seemed like she didn't want to upset him again. 

        "This isn't working and she's coming," Annabeth said with some frustration, but Andie figured she was more worried and scared than frustrated. Andie looked off into the distance, seeing Echidna in the distance. "Okay, look, we'll take Percy inside, and we'll go to the temple's altar." 

        "Altar? Where is there an altar?" Grover asked. 

        "The highest point, the best view," Annabeth explained, pointing to the middle of the arch. "We're going to get to the altar and we're going to ask my mom for help." 

        "I thought we don't ask for help," Percy spoke, though it was very strained, and he looked very sick. 

       "Percy let me get my wrap, you look awful," Andie spoke as she lifted her t-shirt sleeve and yanked her wrap off her arm. 

        "Jee, thanks," Percy said sarcastically and Andie gave him a look that told him to shut up. 

        "Andie, we don't have time. Do it when we get to the arch." Annabeth demanded as she yanked Percy up. She and Grover quickly grabbed hold of him so that he wouldn't fall over as Andie pushed past people so they could get to the altar fast. Andie was going on autopilot, and she didn't even realize that Annabeth had asked her a question until they entered an elevator. As she turned, she saw a horrifying view as the elevator doors closed. 

        "Was that the Chimera?" Grover demanded. "How did the Chimera even get inside here? How did any monster get inside here?"

        "Annabeth?" Percy asked and Andie looked at Annabeth and she seemed quite distraught. 

        "We're in a sanctuary. Athena would have had to let her in, but why would she do that?" 

        "Annabeth!" Percy shouted. "What did Echidna say to you?"

        Finally, Annabeth looked at Percy, and then to the rest of the group. Andie was next to her, and she lightly put her hand onto Annabeth's, trying to comfort her. 

        "She said my impertinence wounded my mother's pride and that, that will be my doom," Annabeth stated with a straight face, as if anything else would make Athena madder. 

        "Impertinence? What kind of-

        "Medusa's head." Andie interrupted and it finally dawned on Percy. 

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