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        ~Percy's POV

        Somehow Andie had managed a way to sneak everyone onto a drain that headed towards Denver which was closer to Santa Monica than St. Louis. They hid with some luggage and Percy had to be crammed right up against a hard suitcase that made his back hurt. Finally, they arrived in Denver, and everyone managed to get out without being spotted. 

        "Let's try to contact Chiron," Annabeth said. "I want to tell him about your talk with the river spirit." 

        "We can't use phones, right?" 

       "I'm not talking about phones."

        The group wandered through downtown for about half an hour, but Percy wasn't sure what they were supposed to be looking for. Finally, after about an hour, they found an empty do-it-yourself car wash. Andie suggested they went into the stall farthest away from the street and to keep their eyes open for patrol cars, just in case anyone saw them get on or off the train that might recognize them. 

        And also, for the fact that there were a group of four kids hanging out in a car wash without a car, but Percy decided not to say that part.

        "What are we exactly doing?" Percy asked as Grover took out the spray gun. 

       "It's seventy-five cents," he grumbled. "I've only got two quarters left. Annabeth, Andie, anyone?"

        "Don't look at me, that breakfast I had took all my money." Andie spoke with her hands raised and Annabeth nodded along, basically saying the same thing. 

        Percy grabbed the last bit of change that he had and passed Grover a quarter. When he looked back down, he noticed that he only had two nickels and one drachma left. 

        "Excellent," Grover said as he readied the spray gun. "We could do it with a spray bottle, but the connection isn't as good and besides, my arm gets tired of pumping it." 

       "What are you talking about?" Percy asked him, very confused with this whole situation. 

        "I-M'ing." Grover stated as if it was simple. 

        "Instant messaging?" Percy asked. 

        "Iris-messaging." Annabeth corrected. "The rainbow goddess Iris carries messages for the gods. If you know how to ask, and she's not too busy, she'll do the same for half-bloods." 

        "You summon the goddess with a spray gun?" 

        "Unless you know an easier way to make a rainbow." Grover shrugged as he pointed the nozzle in the air and water began to mist out. "Andie if you please." 

        Percy watched as Andie tilted her hand, as if trying to find a specific angle and when Percy blinked, he saw a line of light stretch from her hand into the mist and soon she and Grover had created a rainbow. 

       "I love rainbows." Andie said whimsically. 

        Annabeth held her palm out to Percy. "Drachma, please." 

       Percy handed over. 

      "'O goddess, accept our offering." Annabeth spoke as she raised the coin over her head and threw the drachma into the rainbow. The drachma disappeared in a golden shimmer and Annabeth smiled with a little triumph. 

        "Half-Blood Hill," Annabeth requested. 

       For a moment, nothing happened but then Percy was looking through the mist at strawberry fields, and Long Island Sound in the distance. Percy figured that they had appeared at the Big House because he could see a guy leaning on the railing. He was holding a bronze sword and seemed to be staring intently at something down in the meadow. 

When Sun Meets the Sea ~ PJO 1Where stories live. Discover now