-Excuse me, sir, you forgot a wallet at the restaurant table-

-It's not mine, are you sure?

-Yes, sir-

-Call the man who was with me maybe it was his-

-Please, sir could you come and check to be sure? We don't have that man's number and you could give it to that man in person since you know him-

-Ahh, okay- he huffed.

Jesse turned to Jeff and whispered softly in his ear:

-I'll be right back. Don't move. In a little while we'll finish what we started...-

Jesse got out of the car and followed the man toward the entrance of the restaurant.

"Arrived just in time"-thought Jeff. He had been thinking the whole time that evening about how to get Jesse's cell phone without making him suspicious and had come up with that plan. He had met the man in the bathroom; he was the cleaning guy, always complaining about the little pay they received at that place. Jeff offered to pay him on the condition that 15 minutes after they left the restaurant, he would go to the car Jeff indicated and make up an excuse to get Jesse away.
This was his time, but he would have to move. He didn't have much time.

Unfortunately, Jesse had changed his cell phone password. He tried a couple of other combinations but nothing.

Jesse checked his pockets....where had it gone? Where had he put his cell phone?

-Wait a minute- he began to worry that he had lost it.

They were almost at the entrance. The man looked at the time, he had to get back to work, he had already lost too much time.

-Let's go, sir- he urged him.

-No, wait a minute- Jesse looked at the ground to see if he had dropped it then came to the conclusion that maybe he had left it in the car. He turned and walked back.
The man meanwhile seeing the scene walked away; after all, he had already received Jeff's money. Two minutes less than accorded wouldn't change much. The little boy who had asked him for the favor would have gotten away with whatever he had to do as well.
As he thought about this, the man went back inside the restaurant. Jesse noticed him and knew something was wrong. He ran to the car and immediately opened the driver's door. Jeff did not expect that he would be back so quickly; he dropped the cell phone on the seat and stood motionless looking at Jesse.

-What were you doing?!- Jesse shouted, taking his cell phone back.


-Where did you get it?!-

-It was.... on the ground.... I just picked it up- he made it up.

-You think I'm an idiot! There wasn't any wallet, was there?

-What are you talking about? Really, I have no idea- he tried to be oblivious.

At that moment a call came in on Jesse's cell phone.

"What's up Rick?"

"I'm at your house. You said you have those files for college work. Where do you keep them?"

"On the computer in the room."

Hearing those few lines, Jeff realized this was not going to go well; he was sure he had failed to close the video page on the computer. His friend would have seen him. Trying to get as far away from Jesse as he could without being seen, he began to shake.

"Okay, I'm turning it on right now."

"Then I'll leave you, I have something to do"- Jesse replied annoyed.

"Wait, what's this open stuff on the computer? Aren't those your exes?"

"What?!"-he always closed all applications before shutting down the computer.

"Yeah, it's the videos we made to make fun of those idiots, remember? Ahahaha, you really enjoy watching them again, don't you? I want a copy too, hahaha."

"Rick, wait..."-he looked at Jeff in the eyes, thought he understood what had happened-"Rick, see if there are any videos with the title Jeff on them."

"No, there's nothing, why?"

"Because someone enjoyed touching my stuff"-he ended the call.

Jeff got out of the car, he had to leave immediately.

-Where are you running to?- Jesse stopped him by pulling him by the hair and pushing him to the ground.

-How dare you, huh! How did you come up with that! You're just a stupid omega, now I'll show you what you deserve-
Jesse kicked him in the stomach a couple of times. Jeff crouched on the ground clutching his legs to his chest.

-No...Please...I'll be good...-he tried to get Jesse to calm down.

-Too late. I've given you too many chances. I always knew you'd only cause trouble, I should have ruined you right away- Jesse jumped on him, starting to punch him in the face.

-You know what will be the funniest thing? Seeing how you will be rejected even by your friends-

-That's not going to happen...-

-Yes it will. As soon as they see the video, they will see that you are just a little bitch. You will lose them all, no one will care about you anymore, they will hate you. How about I make you another video while we're doing it? I want to see you begging to stop. I want to see you cry in pain- having said that he began to undo his pants.

-No, let go of me- he tried to struggle.

They were alone...in an isolated, dark parking lot. No one was coming to rescue him, there was no Alan to help him this time, and Jeff knew it well.

-I said, let go! - Jeff kicked Jesse in the stomach, who fell backwards. Jeff took the opportunity to get up and run. Jesse quickly chased after him, but once Jeff got to the restaurant entrance he realized he could no longer make him pay for what he did.

"You're going to regret this, Jeff. I warned you. You can say goodbye to your dignity"


And here it is for today's chapter :)
I warn you...the next one will not be very easy to read.....

All Jeff wanted was to not to let anyone see that video, but now that his plan had failed, what would happen?

OLD SCARS AlanJeff (Omegaverse) | PITBABEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora