Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Keir woke up filled with a violent rage. The scent of blood only served to fuel it and he could still smell the sourness of Lila's terror. He tried to rub his face, but his hands were bound. With a growl he looked around to survey his prison. His arms were wrenched behind his back around a pole, his ankles were also bound behind the pole. He strained his arms to gauge the strength of the wood and the metal bindings, but to his disappointment they didn't give.

A soldier noticed his awareness and took off at a jog towards a tent, no doubt to alert his father. Keir growled. The amount of betrayal that was befalling him lately was infuriating. He loved his father, had done everything he could to become the heir he wanted, but this....this was unforgivable.

Keir's chest began to ache, softly at first then turning to a crushing weight. He grunted, trying to push through the pain. Just as he had begun to adjust to the pain, Lila's claiming mark started to burn, like a branding iron had been stuck to his neck. Something must be happening, something must be wrong. He threw himself against the chains, just as the pain in his chest brought him back to his knees.

He struggled to pull in enough air. Guards ran toward him and he would've liked nothing better than to throw them away from him, but he was immobilized by the need for breath. He wheezed and coughed and sputtered, his eyes bulging while his need for air intensified.

He was wrenched back against the pole and something was shoved over his mouth and nose. He breathed it in, recognizing the scent right away. It was schisandra, the very same herb that Delza used. He wanted to shake his head away from the cloth, to tell them to save it for her, but he was powerless. The herb did its job, calming the airways and soothing the need for air.

Finally, after two more large lungfulls, the cloth was pulled away. His Father rushed into the tent, his face unreadable as he stared down at Keir. What his Father must think of him, what he must believe to put his heir in chains was beyond Keir's understanding. He should be helping him, helping him get his mate back, not the enemy. A rumbling growl started deep in Keir's chest, so low it reverberated within the tent making the room crackle with tension.

A chair was supplied for his Father in front of Keir, just out of reach of course,

"Leave us," His Father commanded, even at the protest of his guards.

They funneled out, leaving him with a man he hardly recognized. His Father had aged since he had been gone even further, or perhaps this is what stress did to an Alpha. His bulky frame had waned, his face showing tell-tale signs of age and constant worry. He lowered himself to the seat in front of Keir and stared at him.

After a few moments of silence, Keir snapped.

" What do you want?"

His Father's eyes narrowed at the disrespect, but answered nevertheless:

"I want to know where my son is," He stated, as if this were an interrogation.

"I am right here," Keir started, but his Father held up a hand.

"No, the son that left here months ago had no desire for a wife, let alone a mate. The son I knew would have never stolen a married omega and mated her. The son I knew had no interest in having children of his own yet, let alone taking on the responsibility stolen from another alpha," His Father leaned forward pinning him with his gaze.

"I-" Keir started again, but his Father rose to his feet and began pacing.

"Do you know what kind of political turmoil you have caused?" He snapped, stalking around Keir.

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