Chapter 5

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That bastard had chosen her dress. She tried to choose something to cover her bites. She hadn't wanted the children to see her like that. But Liam had chosen a strapless sapphire blue dress that formed around her body like water and had a slit all the way to her hip. It was completely inappropriate for the type of meeting they were having, but it was just like him to try to provoke another male into action using her as a pawn. In another time she would have reveled in the luxury of it and probably loved the dress itself. But now, now, she hated it. She wanted to be covered in fabric head to toe, to hide herself away.

He wants to show that you are his, Her Omega growled, pacing inside her body again.

We are Not his. We are our own. We are..

But Lila toned out her ranting, agreeing, but it wasn't worth the effort to be angry.

Once the attendants had finished making her presentable, she slipped on a pair of bejewled low heels.

"Please let Maya know that I need her," Lila said as she practiced her stance.

She stood tall and folded her hands over one another, trying to mimic the way she would normally introduce herself to another country's leader. Prim, Proper, Perfect.

"Yes, majesty." They said in unison, bowing low and rushing to the door.

Apparently, they'd needn't go far to find Maya, because she entered just as they scampered out the door.

"You look.."Maya started, but Lila cut her off.

"I look like a mess, Maya. Don't try to flatter me."

"As rough as you look, no one can deny that you are still beautiful." Maya said, offering Lila her arm.

Lila leaned her weight on Maya heavily, letting herself have one more moment of weakness before shouldering everything again. She took one deep breath, breathing in Maya's comforting scent. She could do this. She forced herself upright, relying on Maya only to keep her steady.

"Take me to the children, please, Maya."She said.


The children were distraught when they saw her. Well, Delza was distraught. Leon was composed and stern, but she could see the cracks of concern slipping through when he thought she wasn't looking. The way he clenched and unclenched his fists, the way his eyes stumbled over each bite mark. His gaze burned into her skin making her fidget. She shooed the attendants away from Delza to give her hands something to do and decided to fix her hair herself.

"Mama, are you sure you're ok?"Delza's concern cut her to the core and the way she wheezed slightly when she breathed, dug a little deeper into her chest.

She focused on braiding the strands of dark hair tightly against her head.

"Yes, sweetheart. I am fine."

"You're lying," Leon growled from across the room where he sat in a chair.

"I am-"

"I can smell your pain. Don't lie to us," Leon interrupted, then added: "Please, Mom."

Lila took a deep breath taking comfort in the children's scent, even if it was slightly soured with fear.

"I am going to be fine. Please don't worry about me,"She finished Delza's braid and her daughter snuggled into her chest.

Lila opened her arm to Leon beckoning him over to join them. Leon leaned in hugging her gently and stuck his face into her neck. She clung to them, thinking of all the good times they'd had pushed out comforting pheromones in hopes that it quieted their fear.

As the moment ended and they pulled away from each other, Lila brushed a strand of blonde hair from Leon's face. She cupped his cheek.

"I will always be here for you and we will get through anything that's thrown at us together," She filled her voice with a promise that she knew probably didn't reach her eyes anymore.

"Together forever?," Delza asked, turning a bright smile up to her.

Lila smiled back at her and then at Leon, nodding.

"Together forever."


Finally, the time had come to greet the Prince of Aniya. Maya escorted them to the grand hall, which was an obscenly ornate room decorated in all manners of jewels and precious metals. Maya's golden armor shone bright in the sunlight that streamed through the skylight.

"Mama, who are we meeting?" Delza asked tugging on her dress.

Someone who will hopefully take you away from this place, she thought.

"A prince from a far away country," She answered.

She ran her hand through the loose chocolate curls that hadn't been tamed by her careful braids.

Heavy footsteps caught her attention. Liam and six guards entered the hall. When he saw her and the children he smiled, motioning for them to join him in the center of the room. The guards fanned out taking up their positions throughout the hall. Maya stayed at Lila's side, while another solider stayed at Liam's.

" I am pleased you like the dress I chose. It looks exquisite,"Liam said, stretching an arm over her shoulders.

"It wasn't like I had much of a choice," She murmured, then blanched.

Liam's body grew still and his hand moved to the back of her neck. For a moment, his thumb ran circles over her skin then his hand gripped the back of her neck. The pressure on her neck became excruciating, Liam growled and she let out a whimper.

"I'm-m s-sorry,"She gritted out. Her Omega railed against her, willing her to fight back. But Lila knew this game, she could play it well. Be the obedient, subservient Omega, it caused fewer problems in the end.

And just like that Liam dropped his hand, folding them behind his back.

"See, a little gratitude goes a long way," He smiled.

She clenched her jaw, as her Omega railed against her, trying anything she could to gain control. She wanted to scratch out his eyes, tear that smug grin off his face, whatever she could to cause him pain. But Lila held her under lock and key. She was composed until the Prince of Aniya walked in.

Survive the Day: A dark Omegaverse romanceWhere stories live. Discover now